- Sanitary provision
- Scams
- School closures
- school dinners
- School grants
- School holidays
- School meals
- School registration
- School transport
- Schools
- Scottish Welfare Fund
- Self Directed Support (SDS)
- Selling to the council
- Sensory impairment
- Septic tanks
- Service points
- Severe weather
- Shellfish farming
- Shellfish harvesting
- Sign up to vote
- Smoking ban
- Snow clearance
- Social Enterprise Team
- Social fund
- Social media
- Social work
- Special needs - housing
- Sport
- Staff
- Start a business
- Statistics
- Staycation
- Stillbirth
- Stray dogs
- Street faults
- Street lighting
- Street names
- Submit a planning application
- Support for businesses - health and safety
- Surgeries
- Sustainable development
- Swimming pools