

Woodland and green burials  Memorials  Burial grounds

Buying a grave

A grave (or lair) in a cemetery is used to bury either a coffin or casket of cremated remains. The ground itself does not become the property of the grave holder, this remains with the council. A certificate of exclusive right of burial is issued by us, this important document must be shown to us at each opening of the grave. This right can be passed by succession to others on the death of the grave holder.

The pre-purchase of graves is not permitted.  Your grave certificate will be issued on the return of your completed form including payment. The undertaker will help you with this. You can , or for any other enquiries relating to burial lairs, headstones or internment. The exclusive right of burial can only be given to one person. This person can request the grave to be opened for a burial and makes the decisions about who can be buried inside. It is important that this information be updated on the death of the grave holder.

An unused grave can be returned to the council, the original grave certificate must be returned. We will return the original fee paid for the grave less 10% for administrative costs.

You can use our if you would like to ask about maintenance at a cemetery, or any other general cemetery enquiries.


Cremated remains in a casket may be buried in a full coffin grave or a specific cremation casket grave.   Cremated remains may be scattered at the Garden of Remembrance at Cardross crematorium. Scattering of ashes on graves in cemeteries is not permitted.

Transfer of right of burial

On the death of the grave holder the exclusive right of burial must be transferred before any further applications for burial or memorials can be considered, unless it is to permit the burial of the grave holder or their widow/widower/ legal partner.  Any person claiming rights to a grave by succession is required to produce sufficient evidence. This can be the signed copy of the will and a signed document to prove who you are.  A new grave certificate shall be issued and the successor shall be entitled to all the rights.

Joint succession to or division of the exclusive rights for any grave is NOT PERMITTED.


We respect the right of individuals and families to arrange services to fit the requests of the deceased or their religious or personal beliefs, provided that no unreasonable upset or disturbances are caused to others in the vicinity.
Where it is known in advance that a large attendance at a funeral is expected, prior arrangements should be made with the council’s representative (for example a military funeral).Flowers and wreaths may be left at the graveside at the time of burial, which after a two week period will be removed by council employees and disposed of. Only approved monuments may be erected on the lair and no other permanent memorabilia will be permitted.

After three months’ notice to lair holders, any unauthorised items will be removed and stored for collection by lair holders.

Wreaths placed upon lairs at Christmas will be removed no later than 31st January. We will exercise discretion when removing floral tributes.

Cemetery Enquiry

You can use our online form to send us an enquiry about a cemetery


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