
Upcoming Procurement Events

Find out about upcoming procurement training events.

Tuesday 23 July 2024, 10.30-11:30am

Webinar â€¢ Partner Event

This online pre-supplier engagement event is aimed at organisations that intend to apply to Lot 2 (relating to race, ethnicity and anti-racism) of the upcoming Participation Framework Agreement. Please join us and our Scottish Government colleagues that are keen to ensure that the approach to this lot is regarded as appropriate by organisations like yours.

Wednesday 24 July 2024, 10.30am-12:00pm

Webinar â€¢ Buyer Event

This webinar is suitable for those within public sector bodies that are involved in preparing an annual procurement report. We provide you with an update on the analysis of individual annual procurement reports for 2022-23, the emerging highlights, opportunities and challenges. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the process, supporting guidance and template, as well as provide feedback and ask questions.

Thursday 25 July 2024, 2.00-3:00pm

Webinar â€¢ Partner Event

During this webinar, our SDP expert trainer will show local bus operator's how to find and bid for this Police Scotland contract, using both Public Contract Scotland (PCS) and Public Contract Scotland -Tender(PCS-T) live online

Thursday 1 August 2024, 2.30-4:00pm


New to bidding, tendering and procurement? Join this introductory course to gain a comprehensive overview of the public sector marketplace in Scotland and beyond.

Tuesday 6 August 2024, 1.30-3:00pm


Join this webinar to learn everything you need to know about Public Contracts Scotland, the national public sector tender portal for Scotland.

Tuesday 13 August 2024, 10.30am-12:00pm


Knowing what your business needs to have in place before you start tendering is the foundation to success. This webinar will provide you with an easy to use checklist and description of all the policies, processes and evidence you need to have ready before you bid on an opportunity.

Wednesday 21 August 2024, 10.30am-12:00pm


The biggest learning curve in tendering is understanding the time, energy and resources that go into creating a winning bid. This webinar will walk you through the steps of how to plan and manage your bid, making it as stress free as possible.

Wednesday 11 September 2024, 10:00am-3.30pm

The Music Hall, Union Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1QS

The Supplier Development Programme and headline partners, Scotland Excel, are set to host the seventh annual Meet the Buyer North, at The Music Hall Aberdeen on 11 September 2024.

Focusing on in-person networking, Meet the Buyer North will allow your business to connect with real buyers and procurement teams, across the public and private sector.

Raise your profile as a business and prepare for upcoming contract opportunities in the North of Scotland.

Helping you Bid Better

Each year, the Supplier Development Programme organises hundreds of training opportunities and events throughout Scotland which are all listed on their website –

You must  and  to see which training and events you are eligible to book.

What is a Meet the Buyer event?

Meet the Buyer events are an opportunity for suppliers to introduce themselves to public sector buyers and private sector primary contractors to learn about new projects, contracts, framework opportunities and supply chain opportunities. For buyers, these events enable them to increase their pool of potential suppliers and widen their supply chains. Overall, Meet the Buyer events offer suppliers a great opportunity to network.

Whatever the size of a business, Meet the Buyer events are useful to attend when considering bidding for future contracting opportunities, as they are specifically designed to help suppliers with the tendering process. Meet the Buyer events can help suppliers understand what the buyers are looking for, introduce them to innovative goods, works and services, and can give suppliers insight on how bids are and will be evaluated from a procurement perspective. Meet the Buyer events also offer the opportunity to engage with business support initiatives, such as the Supplier Development Programme, local authority economic development representatives and Business Gateway representatives.

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