
Money Advice - Privacy Statement

A new data protection law was introduced on 25th May 2018. As a result, we've updated our Privacy Notice to make it easier for you to find out how we use, process and protect your information.

What information do we need?

The information we collect from you will include details such as your;

name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, telephone number, National Insurance Number, capital worth, employment status, housing status, dependant details, financial accounts details, utility account details income and expenditure information and creditor details.

We may also ask you for information relating to your health.

Why do we need this information?

Your information is being collected to allow ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council to provide impartial Money Advice. We will not collect any personal data from you that isn’t needed for delivery of this service. In the case of money advice and representation the Council is allowed to process this information under the terms of the current Data Protection legislation as detailed below.

The legal basis for processing your personal information is Article 6(1)(e) – Public Task based on the obligations placed on the Council by legislation, eg, the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 gives local authorities the power to undertake actions which they consider are likely to improve its area and persons within that area; the service provided by Money Advice falls within the scope of this Power to Advance Well-Being.

The legal basis for processing Special Category relating to your health will be consent – Article 9(2)(a). You do not need to fill in that part of the form but by doing so you are consenting to us sharing it as detailed below. The purpose is to allow us to ascertain whether you may be entitled to some form of benefit.

What will we do with your information?

Your personal information will be shared with third parties acting in your interests and with third parties if we are required to do so by law. This will involve sharing your information as shown in the table below.

What we will do with your information
Partner Organisation Reason for Sharing Information

Mortgage Lenders


HOME Argyll partners:

  • Argyll Community Housing Association
  • Dunbritton Housing Association
  • Fyne Homes
  • West Highland Housing Association


To establish any action taken for recovery of property.  To obtain information for housing status and rent or mortgage arrears.
Housing Support Providers including CARR GOM, OASIS, KADAS, ADDACTION The provision of debt counselling as requested by individuals, homeless or threatened with eviction and homelessness.

Temporary Accommodation Providers

(currently Blue Triangle Housing Association, Women’s Aid, Ardmore House and Kilmun Properties Ltd – updated information will be issued at contract renewal)

The provision of temporary accommodation for individuals, homeless or threatened with homeless and also in financial hardship seeking money advice.
All types of Financial Lenders and Mobile Phone Contracts To establish moneys owed and liability where due, any action the financial institution may have taken and checking contracts where necessary
Utility and Mobile Phone Companies To establish arrears and avoid disconnection where applicable
Accountant In Bankruptcy To cover all DAS and Sequestrations undertaken including Sequestration applications and Debt Arrangement Schemes

Job Centre Plus &

Dept Work & Pensions

To gather information on the clients benefit in payment or entitlement
Sheriff Courts within Jurisdiction of Argyll & Bute Council Representing clients where necessary for court action implemented by creditors

Family Mediation – ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council Departments including Revenues and Benefits

Referral to other agencies or council departments, with the consent of the individual unless there are statutory duties to do so.
Statutory Agencies Referral to other agencies, with consent of the individual unless there are statutory duties to do so.

When you do not provide information directly to us, we may receive it from any of the above partner organisations.

You should also be aware that your data will be stored on servers located within the United Kingdom.  We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is kept secure and more information on how we do this can be provided by contacting the Data Protection Officer.

How long will we keep your information?

We will keep your information for the length of time specified within our document retention schedules, and after this period it will be destroyed under secure arrangements. Information in relation to Money Advice is kept for 2 years (paper records) and 7 years (electronic records). More information on our retention ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp and procedure can be obtained from the Data Protection Officer if required.

Automated Decision Making

No automated decision making will take place.

Your Rights

When you provide information to the Council, you will have the following rights:

  • to withdraw consent at any time, where the legal basis specified above is consent (not applicable)
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office – see below for details
  • to request access to your personal data – please contact the Data Protection Officer if you wish to submit a request.
  • to data portability, where the Legal basis specified above is i) consent or ii) performance of a contract (not applicable)
  • to request rectification or erasure of your personal data, as far as the legislation permits – please contact the Data Protection Officer and provide details of what data you wish to be rectified or erased.

You can find out more about your rights in relation to data protection here: www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/data-protection or from the Data Protection Officer by telephone or in writing, as detailed above.

Data controller

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council will act as the ‘Data Controller’ for the personal data you provide to us. The Data Protection Officer, who is responsible for ensuring personal data is managed in accordance with data protection legislation, can be contacted as follows:

Iain Jackson, Governance Risk and Safety Manager, ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council, Governance and Law, Kilmory, Lochgilphead PA31 8RT. 

Email: Iain.Jackson@argyll-bute.gov.uk or data.protection@argyll-bute.gov.uk  

Telephone:  01546 604188 or 01546 605522 

Information Commissioner’s Office

The ICO is the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights. 

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone:  0303 123 1113 
Email: casework@ico.org.uk 

The Information Commissioner’s Office – Scotland

45 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7HL
Telephone:  0303 123 1115 
Email: Scotland@ico.org.uk

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