
Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) - frequently asked questions

Changing an Early Learning and Childcare placement

How do I change my child's ELC placement?

If you wish to make a change to an ELC placement, this requires 4 weeks notice to all settings involved. Please discuss the change with your ELC setting/s to firstly see if they can facilitate this, and then start the 4 weeks notice. A change includes: increasing/decreasing hours, changing ELC setting, starting/stopping a blended placement and leaving an ELC setting.

Please note:

  • Notification cannot be given in school holidays if the ELC setting is closed - this includes where one ELC setting is open but the other involved is closed.
  • The new application process should not be followed (i.e.. using the online registration form), even if this is a change of setting for the following August onwards.
  • Notification cannot be given in February or March due to the registration process of new applications (however if there are extenuating circumstances please contact Early Years). Due to this we recommend you make changes that are meant for the following August onwards, by 31st January.

How do I update my contact details or address?

It is important that all changes in contact details or your address are passed on to your ELC setting as soon as possible.

If you have moved from an address in Argyll & Bute to another local authority area, a proof of address letter will be required. Similarly if you have moved from another local authority area into Argyll & Bute, a proof of address letter must be shown to update your address. For other address changes, this document is not required.

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