
Parent and Toddler Groups

Parent and toddler groups in Mid Argyll and Kintyre

Group details Session times
Ardrishaig Parent & Toddler Group
North Hall, 
Monday 10.45am-11.45am 
every 2nd Thursday 10.45am-11.45am
(ASN group some Saturdays)
Tarbert Shrimps Playgroup
Village Hall, Tarbert
Friday 10.00-11.30
Inveraray Baby & Toddler Group
Inveraray Primary School
Friday 9.30-10.30
Minard, Furnace & Lochgair Toddler Group
Minard & Furnace Halls
Contact - mflparentandtoddlergroup@hotmail.com
Tuesdays 10:00-12:00
Post-natal coffee morning (under 1's)
Lochgilphead Parish Church
Tuesdays 09:30-11:30
Blethers, Bairns & Buggies (pushchair walk)
Stag car park, Lorne St, Lochgilphead
Contact - 01546 703034
Thursdays 10:30
Blaze Trails - Kintyre Baby Walking Group
Campbeltown & Kintyre
Tuesdays 12:00 & Fridays 10:00
Baby Massage
MAYDS Lochgilphead
Contact - rebecca.dunlop2@nhs.scot 
01546 703034
Jump start (under 4 years)
Baptist Church, Lochgilphead
Friday 10:00-12:00
Tiny Tots 
Lorne & Lowland Church Hall
Tuesday 9.45-11.45
Campbeltown Community Church Playgroup
Kirk Street Hall, Campbeltown
Thursday 10-11.30
Southend Playgroup
Southend Community Hall
Friday 10:00-12:00
Kintyre Toy Library
Spring Bank Church
Contact - linfield757@btinternet.com
Monday 10:00-11.30
Mini Pups Outdoor Toddler Group
Kilmory Gardens, Lochgilphead
Contact - erin@act-now.org.uk
Thursday 10:30-12:00 (term time)
Port Ellen Baby & Toddlers
Ramsay Hall, Port Ellen
Contact - petoddlers@gmail.com
Monday & Wednesday 10:00-12:00
Port Ellen Baby & Toddlers - Sensory/Mess Play
MYCOS, Port Ellen
Contact - petoddlers@gmail.com
Friday 10:00-12:00
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