
Bird Control

All wild birds in Scotland are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

All wild birds in Scotland are protected under the

Rare and threatened species have special protection. Many actions against birds, eggs and nests are illegal.

It is illegal to capture, injure or destroy any wild bird or interfere with its nest or eggs. The penalties for committing an offence can be severe.

However, it is recognised that there are particular circumstances, for example to protect public health and safety, where you can get a license to allow an authorised person to carry out actions normally considered to be an offence.

Read Scottish Natural Heritage’s

Read the RSPB’s advice on and .

Historic Scotland have also produced a guide to bird control on all types of buildings.

We have no statutory duty to take action against any type of gull or other bird.

Further advice regarding seagulls is available here.

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