Please complete all parts of this form to apply for the MacKinnon Ledigham Bequest fund.
Applicants must be of state pension age, and live within the Ross of Mull (the area bounded by the north by Loch Scridain and to the south by the Firth of Lorne, specifically those within Bunessan, Fionnphort, Ardtun, Camas, Carsaig, Knockan, Pennyghael and Uisn, Knocknafenaig, Suidhe and Shiana) to be eligible to apply for this fund.
Successful applicants will receive £50. Applicants will receive a maximum of one award each calendar year.
Applications will be evaluated quarterly (March, June, September and December). Please note the deadlines for receipt of applications are 1st February, May, August and November respectively.