
Adaptations to Existing Houses

We have specialist housing, occupational therapy and care and repair staff to help you in your home.

Seek advice early.  If your house isn’t suited to adaptation finding an alternative may take time.
We have specialist housing, occupational therapy and care and repair staff to assist you.  Use these services to get the right housing provision for you.

Housing Association Homes

If you rent your home from a housing association contact your landlord to discuss the possibility of adaptations to suit your needs.

Private Sector Houses - Private Rented

  • Landlords cannot unreasonably refuse permission for an adaptation to be made for a disabled occupant who has applied for consent to do so – although this is NOT the same as a landlord having to pay for it.
  • Section 52  Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 applies
  • Tenants or landlords can apply for grant assistance for disabled adaptations assessed as priority need. 
  • Grant is at a fixed rate of 80% for certain mandatory assessed priority adaptations.  
  • Landlords and private tenants do not qualify for discretionary grants.

Grant Assistance for Private Landlords or Tenants

  • For priority assessed works only
  • For mandatory works only
    • Internal adaptations
    • Provision of WC and bathing facilities in an extension if existing house is too small to accommodate
  • Landlord grants at 80%
  • Tenant grant at 80% with an assessment of income for grant up to 100%

How to apply

Assessment of works and priority is done by the Occupational Therapy Service. 

Argyll & Bute Care & Repair is an independent charity offering specialist information, support and advice on all the services needed to enable individuals or their families to live more independently at home.

Address: 5 Stafford Street, Oban, PA34 5NJ

Telephone: 01631 567 780

Private Sector Houses - Owner Occupied

  • We are keen to help disabled private owner occupiers, and their families,  find ways to remain safe, secure and content in their own homes and grant aid to provide assessed priority adaptation is available starting at 80% up to 100%.
  • Adaptations can alleviate the impact of all physical and mental disability, including Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Grant Assistance for Owner Occupiers

  • For priority assessed works only
  • For mandatory and discretionary works
    • Mandatory Works
      • Internal adaptations
      • Provision of WC and bathing facilities if existing house is too small to accommodate
      • Grants at 80% with an assessment of income for grant up to 100%
    • Discretionary Works
      • Extensions to provide living accommodation,  e.g bedrooms
      • Grants fully income, equity assessed.

How to apply

Assessment of works and priority is done by the Occupational Therapy Service

Argyll & Bute Care & Repair is an independent charity offering specialist information, support and advice on all the services needed to enable individuals or their families to live more independently at home.

Address: 5 Stafford Street, Oban, PA34 5NJ

Telephone: 01631 567 780

Our Advice

  • With an 80% minimum grant level for assessed priority mandatory work, grant is currently very generous.
  • The Care & Repair Service can  alleviate much of the stresses of organising work to your home
  • This is an excellent opportunity to get your house adapted to suit your needs at a reduced cost thanks to the grant
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