
Decision details


Decision Maker: Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee gave consideration to a report providing an update on the Council’s request to the Scottish Government for a derogation for the Council’s PPP contract and that the existing third party off taker for the Helensburgh and Lomond area would cease to trade from 31 March 2024, meaning that new arrangements would have to be put in place.




The Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee –


1.     noted the update regarding meetings held with Scottish Government on the Waste PPP contract; and further noted the update relating to the derogation and the drop date set with Scottish Government of 5 April 2024;


2.     noted that the third party off taker for Helensburgh and Lomond had given notice that they would cease trading on 31 March 2024; and


3.     noted that a further update report would be made available to the Committee in June.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services dated February 2024, submitted)


Publication date: 26/03/2024

Date of decision: 21/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Accompanying Documents: