
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/05/2021 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 4)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group Partners



Angela Anderson, Plastic Free Helensburgh and Time for Change Ƶapp


Angela advised that Plastic Free Helensburgh were looking to run events throughout the national Green Week and were looking for partners to assist with this. Angela noted that an advert in relation to this would be circulated in the press shortly but encouraged anyone who was interested in helping to get in touch with her.


Angela provided details of a number of big litter picks which were being organised, as well as involvement in a one million mile beach clean project. Angela confirmed that the group were continuing with their progress towards plastic free town status.


Angela advised that successful and well attended hustings had taken place for Ƶapp and Dumbarton, where questions were submitted in advance to MSP candidates in relation to climate change. Angela noted that it was hoped to have standing groups who would regularly interact with local Councils, MPs and MSPs around this issue.


Morevain Martin, Garelochhead Station Trust


Morevain confirmed that the Garelochhead Station Trust had recently relaunched with a successful pop up café, with further events planned for the 8th and 22nd of June and a Suicide Prevention Day event being planned for October. Morevain advised that the training programme was also being relaunched and a food hygiene course was scheduled for the 16th of July, noting that spaces were available for anyone who wished to get in touch to book a place.


Morevain confirmed that plans to visit other veterans were also being reinstated, with the first visit scheduled to Skelmorlie for an event on the 26th of June for Armed Forces Day.


Sarah Davies, Helensburgh Community Council


Sarah highlighted work being carried out by Helensburgh Community Council, noting that a consultation around a cycle path from the Hermitage to the town centre had been hosted on the Helensburgh Community Council website, with 93% of people in favour of this. Sarah advised that the Community Council had also been monitoring the building of the new swimming pool; consulting on the new John Muir Art Way; and had received assurance that the skate park would return to its original site following the completion of building works following concerns from young people in relation to its removal.

Sarah advised that the Community Council were also researching broadband provision in the Helensburgh area; consulting with Taylor Wimpey in relation to planned building works; investigating the possibility of a top up tap in Helensburgh where people could fill up their water bottles when walking; running webinars on a variety of topics; attempting to increase youth participation with the assistance of Rosie Sumsion MSYP; gardening in Colquhoun Square; re-instating monthly beach cleans; and discussing participation in a community lottery. Sarah noted that a sub-group had also been set up to plan for the John Logie Baird centenary celebrations.


Sarah Davies, Fun First


Sarah advised that Fun First sessions were being re-instated in line with the easing of lockdown restrictions, and with limited group numbers. Sarah confirmed that there had been a very good uptake of these sessions which were bookable online, however the number of sessions which could be held were restricted by the number of venues which were open to accommodate them. Councillor Penfold advised that she had attended some of the sessions and found them to be very well run, noting that the Guide Hall on John Street could be a potential venue for further sessions.


Sarah encouraged the Group to spread the word that Fun First was operating again, and advised that support was also being offered by Fun First via Zoom. Sarah noted that the Group had received a generous grant from the Armed Forces Covenant to assist them in carrying out their work.


Kenny Auld, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (LLTNP)


Kenny commended the work being carried out by the community and Friends of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs. Kenny noted that a lot of work had been carried out over the last year to get more funding and staff on the ground, the benefits of which should be seen over the Summer as there were more rangers and environment officers employed to deal with litter and human waste. Kenny encouraged partners to provide information to him around any particular sites which they felt required additional focus.


Kenny advised that LLTNP were awaiting the outcome of a bid to the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF) for funding to assist with strategic work in researching how sites could integrate and better work together to identify where there are gaps in terms of toilets, litter bins, waste disposal facilities, water facilities, and general visitor needs.

Kenny noted that LLTNP were also working with partners and providing regular communications updates, including social media updates, to advise visitors of areas which were particularly busy. Discussion took place around active travel and public transport links to the National Park, including the use of water transport. Kenny advised that active travel and improved methods of transport to sites were being considered by LLTNP. Kenny highlighted that a new journey planning App would be available in August or September to identify ways in which people could travel without using their car.


Kenny confirmed that an issue with a faulty message board displaying outdated information had now been rectified.


Kirsty Moyes, Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council


Kirsty advised that the Community Development Team, in conjunction with Argyll TSI, were running ‘Introduction to Evaluation Training’ sessions. Kirsty encouraged anyone who would like a space for that evening’s training to get in touch with her.


Kirsty confirmed that a report in relation to applications for the Supporting Communities Fund would be heard at the next Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee meeting, with a decision expected on applications in late June.


Kirsty advised that the Community Development team would continue to provide support and share information with communities as lockdown restrictions eased and facilities prepared to re-open, noting that the SCDC  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4


Meeting: 12/05/2021 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 7)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners



Crossroads - North Argyll Carers


Joan Best advised the Group that they had been very busy with referrals for respite for unpaid careers and are currently providing 150 hours a week. Discussion focussed on how lockdown had had an effect on the number of referrals. North Argyll Carers had placed an advert for staff on the islands but had not received any applications, Ms Best asked that anyone with an interest in securing a position to get in touch. The Group noted that they have a new Carers Act implementation officer, Kirsty McKenzie, who it is anticipated will attend future meetings of the Group.


Hope Kitchen


Catriona Petit advised the Group that the Greenshoots Garden has remained open throughout the pandemic by working with partners and had started a new initiative working with primary care mental health teams and social prescribers to deliver woodland based activities and run the Looking on the Bright Side Allotments initiative.

Hope Kitchen also worked in partnership with the Rockfield Centre, through the Community Fund, to deliver their response to people's emotional and mental health issues due to the impact of Covid-19. The Group noted the Wellbeing Cafe is open each Thursday from 2pm-3.30pm where food parcels, in conjunction with the Flexible Food Fund, are provided.


Skills Development Scotland


Susan MacRae updated the Group on key activities of Skills Development Scotland (SDS) which included working with a real focus on school leavers with careers advisers back in Oban High School on an appointment based system. SDS aim to have advisers back in other schools as soon as possible.


Police Scotland


Police Inspector Mark Stephen advised the Group that a successful bid to the council for funding enabled them to employ an officer to work with new wardens around Staycation activities; police bicycles will soon to be available to officers to enable them to access places where cars cannot. Inspector Stephen also advised that the station had a full complement of staff and that two local officers secured promotions with new probationers due to start in July.


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


Mark Gillies reported that the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service continue to undertake home fire visits for high risk customers and that they will be in the community more when restrictions ease. Mr Gillies advised that, in relation to wild fires and the impact of increase in visitors to the area, the Service was constantly updating Ƶapp and procedures accordingly with information bulletins sent out via social media.


Meeting: 04/05/2021 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 7)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners



Dunoon Area Alliance


Ann Campbell advised that an application to the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) to establish a Dunoon Community Development Trust had been submitted.


Skills Development Scotland


Susan MacRae advised that Skills Advisers are still operating remotely with focus being on young people who are scheduled to leave formal education this summer. Ms MacRae also advised that centre are to re-open on 17 May.


Live Argyll


Nicola Hackett advised that leisure factices and libraries are now open with a full range of programmes available.


Meeting: 28/04/2021 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Item 4)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland


Neil MacFarlane provided information around upcoming BEAR Scotland works on the A83 and A82 Loch Lomondside for the Group’s consideration, as detailed below:




  • Clearway signing improvements




  • Double yellow line and single yellow line installed through Arrochar
  • Rest and Be Thankful – car park resurfaced, slope stabilisation, drainage improvements, catch pit construction
  • Kinglas bunds
  • Diversion signage
  • Cairndow lining and signing initiative
  • South of Inverneill until 5th May overnight resurfacing
  • Argyll Adventure – 9th to 11th May overnight resurfacing
  • Tarbet Tea Rooms – 12th to 13th May overnight resurfacing
  • Tarbert Road Campbeltown footway reconstruction – 3rd May to 23rd May
  • Tarbert Road Campbeltown carriageway reconstruction – 24th May to 14th June
  • Hall St Campbeltown footway reconstruction – 24th May to 14th June
  • Hall St Campbeltown carriageway reconstruction – 15th June to 24th June


Neil also provided an update on concerns previously raised in relation to drainage at Tayinloan which had been investigated, repaired and relevant information passed to Ƶapp Council for their consideration. Neil also noted that the poor road surface near Bellochantuy Caravan Park would be actioned as part of a 3 year rolling construction programme and that relevant BEAR Scotland officers had been reminded of the noisy manhole cover issue at one of the roundabouts in Lochgilphead.


Following a query from Councillor Armour, Neil confirmed that plans for a puffin crossing at Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, were progressing to the design stage in 2021 and it was likely that implementation would not be until at least 2022. Neil noted that Transport Scotland hoped to look at Kinloch Road in its entirety, as opposed to only the section where a puffin crossing would be placed, to ensure better sustainability and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.


Rachel Whyte, Islay Community Council


Rachel Whyte provided the below update from Islay Community Council (ICC):


Dr MacTaggart composed a summary of how to access Covid-19 testing/healthcare and requested the help of Explore Islay and IJMG to distribute this to accommodation providers.


Dr MacTaggart reported that they continue to make excellent progress with the completion of phase 1 of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, with the majority of appointments so far in April providing 2nd vaccine doses to those patients most at risk of severe Covid-19 disease. They have also been providing a small number of 1st vaccine doses to those who have self-identified as carers or are household contacts of patients who have been shielding. As has been widely publicised, short term issues with vaccine supply have resulted in the commencement of phase 2 of the vaccination programme (all those aged 18-49 not otherwise eligible during phase 1) being delayed. They await further information from the Scottish Government regarding vaccine supply and, as such, do not yet have a confirmed date for when they can begin offering first doses to patients eligible during phase 2. They will proactively contact patients, beginning with those aged 45-49, as soon as they are given the go ahead and thanked people for their patience and understanding. Further information on the Covid-19 vaccination programme, including a helpful guide to the very rare side effects associated with the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, can be found at .


Alan Beresford from Islay Medical Services recently met with Islay Resilience Group where discussions took place regarding setting up a patient forum.


Kilchoman Distillery are looking to reopen the Visitor Centre on 17th May – they are unsure what will be on offer (tours, tastings etc) as it will depend upon restrictions at the time but they will be opening. Bunnahabhain Distillery are looking at re-opening as a shop only under the relevant guidelines on either 26th or 28th April.  Current thinking is that they will remain shop-only throughout May (again, this will be subject to review as guidelines are reviewed). Laphroaig Distillery Plans remain the same right now at Laphroaig with shop open and only by appointment. Ardnahoe Distillery re-opened on Monday 26th April in line with government restrictions. Physical Distance Based Capacity (PDBC) will become a “buzz phrase”.  The café will be open to serve lunches and fresh home baking. No alcohol is being sold except via the shop in sealed containers i.e. Off Sales.  Tours are restricted to maximum four persons from two households, with no tastings. They will possibly be able to resume tastings on the 17th of May, depending on restrictions. Bruichladdich Distillery Shop is being refitted and the retail site will hopefully re-open in early June, there are no tours at present.


Gill Chasemore of Islay Resilience Group reported that the group have facilitated four drop ins for locals across the island for people to meet and socialise in a safe and welcoming environment. Approximately 40 people have accessed this. The free tea and home baking is funded through the Covid Fund. Vaccination transport is being well utilised and clients are now requesting transport for their second jags using the Community bus and occasionally volunteers’ cars. IRG have received funding through Islay Energy Trust to continue to print our popular newsletter until December.


Mairi MacCuaig reported Islay High school pupils have returned to full time education on 19th April 2021 with High school pupils continuing to be offered Covid-19 self-testing kits. Applications are open for September 2021 for all Colleges and Universities. SDS are continuing with remote support, engaging with school leavers, employers, training providers, and local partners.


The Youth Initiative continues to deliver fully subscribed clubs. The Islay Youth Forum, supported by The Youth Initiative and Youth Scotland, meet weekly at Kilarrow. Various clubs and dance groups around the island are starting to open.


ICC eagerly look forward to proposed liaison with Argyll & Bute Council regarding Islay roads which are now, and have been for a long time, not fit for purpose. Thousands of pounds of damage to vehicles have been reported to ICC.


Islay re-opened for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4
