
Issue - meetings

Oban Communities Trust

Meeting: 12/05/2021 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 7)

Oban Communities Trust

Verbal Update by Eleanor MacKinnon - Operational Manager, Oban Communities Trust



The Group considered a verbal update from Eleanor MacKinnon, Oban Communities Trust, in relation to The Rockfield Centre.Ìý The Group noted that the opening of the building was delayed due to Covid-19 but that the Centre continued to operate as a community anchor organisation by moving most of their activities online, which will remain the position until September 2021 when they hope to have a soft launch of the Centre and an official launch in April/May 2022. However, with more staff coming on board they aim to develop more face-to-face activities such as working with Atlantis Leisure Centre to facilitate a summer camp programme. It was also reported that the charity shop will be open from Thursday 13 May 2021 with an open day at The Rockfield Centre on Friday 21 May 2021 1pm-3pm and 4pm-6pm which is open to everyone.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group;


1.    considered and noted the information provided; and


2.    agreed to post links to the Rockfield Centre’s website and YouTube video on BaseCamp.


(Reference: Verbal Update by Eleanor MacKinnon, The Rockfield Centre)
