
Issue - meetings

Area Community Action Plan Update

Meeting: 20/05/2021 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 10)


Verbal update by Community Planning Officer, ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council



In the absence of Samantha Somers, Community Planning Officer, the Chair provided an update to the Group in relation to the Area Community Planning Action Plan Update as follows:


“As members of the Area Community Planning Group will remember, we undertook the Place Standard engagement exercise over a 6 month period in 2019 and had a great response to this. The results were put onto the council website for all partners and communities to use as best suited them last February and we were due to develop the new Action Plans last year but Covid-19 happened and priorities meant that these plans were paused.


We’re now in a position to start work on developing these Action Plans again, and we can still use the Place Standard results, in addition to the response from the Building Back Better consultation and we’re in a good position to be starting to develop the plans now based on our knowledge of area priorities, both before and after the pandemic.


We are planning to hold a series of online workshops throughout June, August and possibly September, no more than 90 minutes in duration for each one. We will then be drafting the plans based on what comes out of the workshops throughout the Autumn with the potential for a further workshop at the end of the year to clarify things if required. We hope to have the draft plans brought to the February 2022 Area Community Planning Group for sign off, the Management Committee in March 2022 and then for the plan to go live in April 2022. These plans will then last for 3 years until 2025.


We’re really keen to have partner and community buy-in to help take forward the actions and look forward to working with all of you on this.â€




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


