
Issue - meetings

Argyll and the Isles Countryside Trust ACTNow Project

Meeting: 10/02/2022 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 6)

6 Police Scotland Fraud Discussion pdf icon PDF 555 KB

Presentation by Partnership Liaison Officer, Police Scotland



The Group considered a presentation by PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland. The presentation provided an overview of the work being undertaken by Police Scotland to highlight and reduce incidents of fraud.


Background information was provided around fraud and the increase in incidences of fraud since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. PC Evans also highlighted the impact that being a victim of fraud could have on individuals, and emphasised that anyone could be a victim of fraud.


PC Evans provided further information about the various methods that were being used by fraudsters; the work which was being undertaken by Police Scotland to combat this increase in fraud activity; and the ways in which partners could assist to prevent fraud within local communities.


PC Evans encouraged people to sign up to Neighbourhood Watch Scotland and to complete the free training which was available. She advised that she would also be keen to hear from anyone who was able to offer their assistance with fitting call blockers, noting that she had already been in discussion with SFRS around this previously.


Kirsty Moyes highlighted that there would be people going door-to-door around the time of the Census and would circulate information around this following the meeting. She provided assurance that no one who was going door-to-door for these purposes would ask for entry into anyone’s home.


Discussion took place around the importance of increasing awareness of fraud, particularly due to the underreporting of fraud, and a number of attendees agreed to contact PC Evans following the meeting to discuss what assistance they could provide. PC Evans agreed to forward links to relevant literature to the Group following the meeting.


PC Evans also confirmed that she would circulate details of a number of online events being hosted by Neighbourhood Watch Scotland to the Group following the meeting.


The Chair highlighted that SFRS would never cold-call people to fit smoke alarms, and noted that anyone who was unsure of whether an SFRS representative was genuine should ask for identification and phone their fire station for confirmation. He noted that there had been previous attempts to gain access to properties by impersonating an SFRS representative, and he would encourage anyone who experienced this to contact Police Scotland.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by PC Laura Evans, Partnership Liaison Officer, Police Scotland, submitted)


Meeting: 02/02/2022 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Item 5)

5 Colonsay and Oransay Community Plan 2022-2032 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Presentation by Community Planning Officer, Colonsay Community Development Company



The Group considered a presentation by Caitlin McNeill, Colonsay Community Development Trust, in relation to the development of the Colonsay and Oransay Community Plan 2022-2023. The presentation provided statistics in relation to life on Colonsay and Oransay, as well as information on how the previous Community Plan had been used to assist with developments in a number of key areas such as housing and community ownership since 2012. The presentation also provided an overview of how the consultation was being undertaken; the key consultees who would be involved; and the input required from external shareholders and service providers.


Caitlin advised that she would appreciate any guidance or support from members of the Group in contacting the appropriate people to ensure that the views of all relevant parties could be included in the consultation. Ian Brodie confirmed that he would be happy to provide relevant contact details which may be of assistance to Caitlin following the meeting.




The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Caitlin McNeill, Community Planning Officer, Colonsay Community Development Company, submitted)


Meeting: 03/11/2021 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Item 6)

6 Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust - ACT Now Project pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Presentation by Project Officer, Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust



The Group considered a presentation by Jamie Joyce, Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust, in relation to the ACT Now Project in Mid Argyll. The presentation provided an overview of the aims of the project and work being undertaken, including the promotion of sustainable transport through the delivery of Velotech qualifications as part of the Bikes Back to the Community Project; a Tayvallich bike station which had been set up in conjunction with Sustainable Tayvallich and Keep Scotland Beautiful; future plans for another bike station at the MACPOOL site; and the provision of two eCargo bikes available for hire in the Mid Argyll area.


The presentation also included information around the provision of accredited education on Climate Change; the implementation of the ACT Now Food Share network to reduce food waste; the compilation of a map to highlight like-minded organisations; the delivery of workshops to upskill the community; and future plans for a Mid Argyll Community Tool Library. Jamie encouraged any organisations or groups in the Mid Argyll area who may be interested in becoming involved in any of these projects or hiring one of the eCargo bikes to get in touch with him.


Ian Brodie asked if Tarbert would be included in some of the projects, and Jamie confirmed that Tarbert and Inveraray both featured in future plans for the Project.




The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Jamie Joyce, Project Officer, Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust, submitted)
