
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/11/2021 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 7)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners



Crossroads North Argyll


Joan Best advised the Group that Crossroads now supports 43 carers with 150 hours of respite offered each week.Ìý Kilmelford remains the only area not covered by the service with respite soon to be offered on Mull. Joan also advised that a development day for staff and board members is due to take place next week.


Oban, Lorn and the inner Isles Living Network


Kirsty McLuckie advised that the Network had meetings coming up which covered topics such as smoking cessation; there was craft exercises for families living with addiction also planned; Calmac had agreed to place mental health support information in staff payslips; and in March 2022 there will be an education event on prevention and early intervention on alcohol and drugs related issues.


Argyll Third Sector Interface


Petra Pearce advised that the Interface’s focus was on grass root organisations as well as more established businesses. Petra also advised that there was a new meeting and training room in Inveraray which is free of charge for third sectors businesses to use to help them to recover from the pandemic and that a Community Health and Well-being fund was open up until the 15 November 2021. Partners were encouraged to identify any 16-24 years who are not in work or education who could benefit from a mentor and contact TSI who have funding in place until March 2022.


Hope Kitchen


Catriona Petit advised that the Young Persons Guarantee website had been hugely beneficial and that they have a support group meet each Thursday for families effected by alcohol and drugs which is a space for people with shared experiences run by people with lived experience. Partners noted that a running woodland based sessions with green woodworking and campfire cooking was also being offered to the community. Catriona advised that the flexible food fund had been beneficial to clients suffering from food insecurity, adding that the food bank remain operational. Partner were encouraged to notify Hope Kitchen of any vulnerable people within the community that may benefit from one of the Christmas hampers that Hope Kitchen distribute.


North Argyll Carers Centre


Marie MacColl advised that North Argyll Carers Centre supported 644 unpaid carers from the age of 8 upwards and had lots of new referrals after lockdown and that they had recently been asked by the HSCP to join a forum to look at short breaks and respite. The Carers Centre also host a twice monthly group for parent carers which is set-up with specialist advisors on hand and they hope to re-start the Parkinson’s group at the Dove Centre in the new year for cared for people and their carers.


Department of Works and Pensions


Ronnie Kelly advised that within the Oban Job Centre Plus it was business as usual as all staff had returned to office which was opened with slightly reduced hours. Ronnie highlighted that universal credit claims were 1715 which was down from the last quarter and that the number of people unemployed was 507 which was down 39% since January 2021 which largely down to the success of the hospitality and retail sector within the Town. Ronnie also advised that the Kickstart scheme for 18-24 year olds had secured 23 starts and the jobs fair in September 2021 secured 8 job starts.


Meeting: 02/11/2021 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 7)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners



Argyll College


Fay Tudor advised that the new academic year had started which was being held partially in person prioritised on a needs basis with the rest of students being supported remotely. The Group noted that there was a continuation of support for those in digital poverty such as students being provided with dongles and laptops; there was new staff in Rothesay; and an open day would take place in the coming weeks with details to be posted on their website.


Business Gateway


Barbara Halliday advised that the Business Gateway had supported businesses through the Scottish Government covid grant process for existing businesses as well as business start-ups. Barbara highlighted that those in the food, drink and tourism sector had a good summer and had adapted well during the pandemic but that someÌý businesses were struggling with online competition and retaining and recruiting staff with Brexit continuing to impact on businesses involved in imports and exports. Due to the move to more digital ways of working the Group noted that Business Gateway was able to offer workshops delivered via webinars which had increased accessibility and they were able to offer more subjectsÌý compared to pre-pandemic, resulting in increases in their client base. This had culminated in customer satisfaction rates being above the Scottish Government’s national average.


Fyne Futures


Lorna Bryden advised that the second cohort had now began their 26 week programme which is a paid placement based on developing horticultural skills. The placement follows a formalised personal development plan with work experience placements and volunteering opportunities.
