
Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee - TO FOLLOW

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Internal Audit Reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 291 KB

Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor



·         Child Protective Services

·         Contract Management Roads & Infrastructure Services

·         Fixed Assets Register

·         Oban Airport

·         Street Cleaning

·         HSCP Care Programme Approach (for information only)


Additional documents:


The Audit and Scrutiny Committee gave consideration to a report containing the action plans in relation to the following 6 audits:-


·         Child Protective Services

·         Contract Management:Ìý Roads and Infrastructure Services

·         Fixed Asset Register

·         Oban Airport

·         Street Cleaning

·         HSCP – Care Programme Approach


Discussion was had in relation to the limited level of assurance of the Contract Management:  Roads and Infrastructure audit, and in particular the timescales involved in the delivery of the actions outlined within the action plan.  Members noted that the Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services had provided verbal assurance to the Interim Chief Internal Auditor that arrangements had been put in place to ensure that actions are addressed swiftly.  It was also noted that consideration would be given to a follow up audit on contract management to be included in a future audit plan.  Members also expressed their concern over the timescale for delivery of the high priority actions to improve control and governance, as outlined within the HSCP audit report on the Care Programme Approach, which had been submitted for information. 




The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note and endorse the summary report and detail within each individual report.Ìý


(Reference:Ìý Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor, dated 14 December 2021, submitted)
