
Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee - TO FOLLOW

Meeting: 15/03/2022 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Internal Audit Reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor


  • Environmental Health
  • Live Argyll Budget Monitoring
  • Purchasing Cards


Additional documents:


The Audit and Scrutiny Committee gave consideration to a report containing the action plans in relation to the following 3 audits:-


  • Environmental Health
  • Live Argyll Budget Monitoring
  • Purchasing Cards




The Audit and Scrutiny Committee agreed to note and endorse the summary report and detail within each individual report.Ìý


(Reference:Ìý Report by Interim Chief Internal Auditor, dated 15 March 2022, submitted)


