
Issue - meetings

Argyllshire Gathering

Meeting: 03/08/2022 - Oban Common Good Fund (Item 6)

Argyllshire Gathering


Additional documents:


The Trustees considered an application submitted by the Argyllshire Gathering Trust.




The Trustees made an in principle decision to award a total of £3000 towards the non-revenue aspects of the overall project costs outlined on the application form.  In making this decision the Trustees requested clarification about wider community use of equipment previously funded by the Oban Common Good Fund, and also relating to the other funding application detailed on the application form.  Once this had been obtained, providing it satisfied any queries they had raised at the meeting, they agreed to delegate to the Governance Officer, in consultation with the Chair of the Oban Common Good Fund, authority to release the funding set aside.



(Ref. Application by Argyllshire Gathering Trust submitted)
