
Issue - meetings

Western Ferries

Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 5)

Western Ferries



Gordon Ross, Western Ferries, advised that the planned Dry Docking programme was underway and that this would have a limited effect on services. Mr Ross highlighted that Western Ferries are currently working at 99.7% reliability with this figure including technical and weather disruptions and that passenger numbers were solid compared to previous years.


The Chair highlighted the importance of Western Ferries in providing central links for Dunoon and Cowal residents.


Councillor Sinclair enquired about a potential extension of operating times during Friday and Saturday nights. Mr Ross advised that the last service is at midnight and presently there is no demand for later sailings but this would be explored should there be demand.Ìý


Councillor Sinclair raised the potential of an LED display at the top of Rankin’s Brae to indicate that there may be queuing traffic at Hunter Quay. Captain McLundie advised that the LED suggestion was raised at a previous meeting and that the council had installed double yellow lines at existing parking places which had served to widen the road and reduced congestion.


Stuart McLean highlighted that Councillor Sinclair had submitted questions on behalf of Hunters Quay Community Council, specifically around the installation of LED signs, the increasing problem of traffic congestion/pollution/noise etc. at Marine Parade and the dissatisfaction that the Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) had been denied to travellers to and from Dunoon. Mr McLean advised that he had received a response from colleagues from within Roads and Amenity Services that read:


  1. Officers will pursue the local team regards the situation with the LED signs, however this isn’t as simple as putting up a sign. Either - The sign will be manually activated but that needs a communication protocol as to who will be responsible to do this. Or - The signs will be activated by the actual queues forming, this requires additional infrastructure to link this to the signs.


  1. The use of the linkspan at Dunoon for vehicle traffic would requires a complete re-assessment of the marshalling area. This is currently designated as parking for the foot passenger service, so this would have to be factored into any traffic queuing expectations. If this is still something that the group wishes to pursue, further checks would be required with our Marine Section regards the serviceability of the linkspan.


  1. RET is an issue directly for Transport Scotland but with the above issues taken into consideration, any expansion in the subsidy will likely increase the usage and hence traffic .The current issues are only going to be exacerbated by an attractive reduction in fares through the expansion of RET.


Councillor Moreland highlighted that he agreed with the Chair’s comments on the importance of accurate reliability figures and enquired about plans for toilets to be put in on either side of the crossings. Mr Ross advised that Western Ferries were looking into toilet facilities but added that there were facilities on the ferries.




The forum noted the update and that the Chair would liaise with Roads and Amenity Services regarding the marshalling area at Hunters Quay.

