
Issue - meetings

Digital Communities (Iain MacInnes and Alex Edmonstone)

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee (Item 5)

5 Digital Communities (Melissa Dundas/Alex Edmonstone/Rhona Grant) pdf icon PDF 269 KB



Melissa presented her report.


Joe asked for a twice yearly formal paper to be provided to the CPP MC.


Cllr Currie noted that all future housing developments should have fibre broadband connections. Cllr Currie also noted that landline only consumers will shortly be left with no connection.


Ryan McIntyre added that there had been a 70% drop off in young people contacting their MSYPs about lack of mobile phone coverage and that this would seem to indicate that coverage must be improving.


Anthony Standing suggested mobilising Digital Champions from across the CPP


There was a discussion about the level of uptake of fibre broadband across ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp, with actions coming out of the discussion. Cllr Currie noted that Laura Evans and Matthew Shaw looked at Digital Inclusion and the uptake of fibre broadband as part of the Call Blockers project.


ACTION - Rona to discuss the provision of written reports and the timing thereof with Melissa and Iain


ACTION - Rona to link Melissa and Iain with CLD Partnership, of which Rhona Grant is now the Chair


ACTION - Takki to circulate baseline of digital provision across ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp


ACTION - Melissa Dundas to speak to Iain MacInnes regarding the following points raised by the CPP MC


-          The impact of the switch-off of copper infrastructure on ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp communities

-          The messaging and communication with communities on Jura in terms of the lack of take-up of the digital infrastructure project on the island Ìý



Meeting: 22/06/2023 - ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee (Item 4)

4 Digital Communities (Iain MacInnes and Alex Edmonstone) pdf icon PDF 501 KB



Alex Edmonstone provided an update on the CLD Partnership advising that Digital Skills is a key theme in the 3 year strategy and a digital work stream group has been created to look at digital inclusion and complete a mapping exercise, details of which are in .Ìý The recommendations by the consultants will be discussed at the next digital work stream meeting in July before reporting to the CLD Partnership and then to the September CPP MC. Alex advised that a Helensburgh pilot to provide free wifi access (dongles) to those with an identified learning need has gone well and it is hoped to roll this out across a wider area.


ACTION - Alex E to report to September CPP MC on the consultant recommendations for digital skills, digital inclusion and the results of the Helensburgh free wifi for learning pilot.


Iain MacInnes advised the R100 fibre roll out is still progressing in ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp, currently installing at Ardfern. The roll out has experienced delays due to lack of accommodation available for the contractors. As part of the Shared Rural Network Infrastructure programme to install 4-5G in rural areas, the Argyll and Bute area is due to have 50 new mobile masts installed. This is a massive investment in the area targeting partial and not spots in network coverage. Three have already gone live and there are 18 more at the planning stages across the area. Digital Hubs are now installed and up and running on Iona and Islay and drop in sessions will be available to show residents how the hubs work. Digital hubs are also planned for Coll and Tiree but there have been some supply chain issues that have delayed the start of work at those sites.Ìý


Cllr Currie had received a letter from the Chief Network Officer at Vodafone stating that they are nervous regarding the number of planning applications in progress with ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council for masts, given the deadline to install is fast approaching. Iain MacInnes advised that he was already in contact with Vodafone and is working closely with them on this.

