
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee (Item 7)

7 WASTE UPDATE pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Road and Infrastructure Services


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The Committee gave consideration to a report providing an update on a number of waste related matters including meetings with the Scottish Environment Protection agency (SEPA) on 4 October 2023, and with Scottish Government officials on 6 October 2023 in respect of the Waste PPP contract.




The Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee noted –


1.    the update regarding meetings held with SEPA on the Waste PPP contract;


2.    that officers would conclude conversations which were ongoing regarding the derogation and would bring a further report to the next meeting of the Committee for a decision on the way forward for the Council;


3.    the update regarding Persistent Organic Pollutants and noted the date of implementation of compliance with SEPA mandatory guidance as 1 November 2023;


4.    the bid to the Recycling Infrastructure Fund and officers’ achievement in successfully securing funding for improvements;


5.    the officer support offered by Zero Waste Scotland; and


6.    the detail provided in the report regarding the Circular Economy Bill.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services dated November 2023, submitted)

