
Issue - meetings

Proposed Approach to Consultations Scrutiny Review - TO FOLLOW

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 14)

14 Scrutiny - Establishment of a Panel for the Review 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Report by Chief Internal Auditor


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report outlining the options to increase resilience within the Committee for undertaking scrutiny reviews.Ìý The report also sought to identify a Scrutiny Panel to take forward the review of Complaints in the context of the Scrutiny Manual and Framework as part of the Committee’s scrutiny role for 2024-25.Ìý




The Audit and Scrutiny Committee:-


1.    agreed to establish a Panel for the scrutiny review relating to the Council’s complaints process;


2.    appointed Janice Wason Hall as Chair of the Scrutiny Panel with Councillors Gary Mulvaney, Fiona Howard and Andrew Vennard to form a Scrutiny Panel for the review, which will commence within financial year 2024-25; and


3.    noted that in support to the Membership of the Panel, the former Chair of the Committee, Martin Caldwell, will provide mentoring support to the new Panel in order to build up experience and skills in undertaking scrutiny work and that officer support would be provided as required.Ìý


(Reference:Ìý Report by Chief Internal Auditor, dated 5 September 2024, submitted)Ìý
