
Agenda and minutes

Ƶapp Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:00 am

Venue: Online via MS Teams

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies (Chair)


Joe welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted. Joe gave a special welcome to the new members of the Scottish Youth Parliament for Argyll and but who were in attendance, saying it was a fantastic achievement to be voted into that role and he looked forward to their inputs to the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee (CPP MC).


Joe asked if anyone has any feedback on how we can make the CPP MC meetings work best for everyone and any thoughts on that can be shared to cppadmin@argyll-bute.gov.uk.



Approval of last minutes and review of actions (Rona Gold) pdf icon PDF 473 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the December meeting were approved as an accurate recording of that meeting.


Rona gave an update on outstanding actions as follows:

-          Production of video on Community Planning. Shona noted this has not progressed due to demands of ongoing work for the upcoming election in May. Rona added that they are keen to put this video together to explain Community Planning and the roles of Area Community Planning Groups (ACPG). Action is to be carried forward to June Meeting.

-          Renewed perspective for partners on plans and alignment to Ƶapp Outcome Improvement Plan (ABOIP). Pippa had asked partners to think about their own organisation plans, goals and aspirations can be aligned to the ABOIP, any thoughts on this can be forwarded to Pippa. In the summer, once recruitment to the CPP team has been completed, they will look to contact partners to have conversations on how to improve the new 10 year ABOIP.

-          Scamming and community pledges. Ideas from all partners on how to support the prevention of fraud and scamming in Ƶapp can be sent to Laura.Evans@scotland.pnn.police.uk or cppadmin@argyll-bute.gov.uk.



Introduction to New Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (Brian Smith)


Joe was delighted to welcome Chloe Meikle from Helensburgh & Lomond Youth Forum, Ryan MacIntyre from Dunoon Grammar and Baileigh McIntyre from Rothesay Academy to the CPP MC as our new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament. He encouraged their questions and input and how to best shape the CPP MC going forward to include what is important to them as young members of the Ƶapp community. An from Chloe and Baileigh was shown to the meeting where they shared their passions and areas of interest. Ryan then gave a verbal update to the meeting and noted that he sits on the Rural Affairs and Transport Committee in the Youth Parliament, he is passionate about mental health and access to confidential services for young people and also is raising issued on the SQA with the Education Minister.


Brian thanked all the MSYPs for their commitment over the next 3 years to support young people’s voices in Argyll and Bute. Rona welcomed the MSYPS and also asked those in the meeting to give a short introduction to themselves before speaking for the benefit of the MSYPS and other new attendees to the meeting.


Pippa also welcomed the MSYPs and highlighted the crossover of her priority areas and theirs on mental health, transport and poverty. Pippa invited the MSYPs to meet with her to get their input on those key issues and how to ensure their voices are heard within the CPP and wider Council. Pippa also asked if they would consider joining her for one of her podcast editions.


Shona is keen to get the MSYPs along to Area Community Planning Groups however the next round of meetings is in April, which will clash with the exam period, and suggested attendance at the August meetings would be more appropriate.


Fiona would like to meet the MSYPs to talk more about their interest in mental health and the views and experiences of young people locally and how they can work together to improve access to, and support for, mental health of young people.


Joe also expressed interest in meeting separately with the MSYPs.



Matters Arising from Area Community Planning Groups (Shona Barton) pdf icon PDF 238 KB


Shona provided an update on the four area meetings that were held in February. They were all held virtually via MS teams and there was a positive attendance at all meetings as the virtual meeting seems to be improving attendance numbers. There was lots of constructive partnership discussion and working across all the areas. Shona noted that Helensburgh and Lomond AGPC appointed David Moore (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS)) was appointed as Chair and Sephton MacQuire (Dunbritton Housing Association) was appointed as Vice-Chair. The next meetings were due to take place in May but have been brought forward to April to accommodate the date of the council elections on 5 May. Shona advised that all the ACPGs have provided updated attendance and membership lists.


Joe noted the resignation of Willie Lynch from the Chair position of Bute and Cowal ACPG. He thanked Willie, on behalf of the CPP, for his dedication and support over the past 7 years to Community Planning. Willie was involved in the work of the improvement plan that came out of our last review, and that involved creating the CPP Welcome Pack. Joe said his resignation was a sad loss to the CPP.


Remaining vacancies for Vice Chairs were highlighted in Bute and Cowal and Mid-Argyll, Kintyre and the Isles ACPGs. Shona hoped that once the video is completed promoting the CPP and the ACPGs that it may increase interest in these posts in the community. Joe encouraged all partners to promote these roles within their organisations to get involved in community matters.



Cross Cutting Themes pdf icon PDF 773 KB


Climate Change (Stan Phillips)


Stan spoke about the that was issued on 28 February, which reports that the situation on the climate is much worse than previously thought. The report notes the need to go much further and faster on climate change and the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) is working with Adaptation Scotland and other council areas to see what they are doing to address this. DATS Highland are attending the CCWG this week and it will be interesting to hear how they have set up and the issues they are facing as they are in a similar geographical area to Ƶapp. The CCWG have identified the need to employ an officer to workup the plans for adaptation, mitigation and engagement. The cost of this is approx. £60k per year. There has already been pledges from 3 partner organisations to support the funding for that post, however, Stan asked all partners to look if they can provide funding to take that forward in the next financial year, and beyond. The group are also exploring possible Climate Change funding streams from Government and other sources to further support that. The group will also be starting work on creating a clear project proposal, terms of reference and governance arrangements that partners can buy in to. Joe advised that there may be some funding available from the SFRS.


Action - Partners to identify if they have any funding available to support work of a Climate Change Officer and advise Stan accordingly at stan.phillips@nature.scot


Stan said Climate Change affects us all, and all partner organisations, in the area from things like increased risk of wildfires, risk to coastal infrastructure and the effect on roads/hauliers, sea level rises, fuel cost rises etc. Ƶapp businesses need to plan now on how to transform into a carbon natural net zero business.


Pippa noted the already significant impact of climate change on in the area with the issues on the Rest and be Thankful and a road washout on Bute having had a £1m impact on the Council capital budge, and it is important that urgent transformational change is required and continued support to the CCWG in any way possible. Pippa also pointed partners to the current consultation on the route map co-developed by the Scottish Government and COSLA on the joint ambition to a .


Rona said action on climate change can feel overwhelming, however, small steps and actions do build up. Examples of existing work on climate change across our communities can be found at the CPP Climate Change website. Joe noted that every fire station across Argyll and Bute has an Environmental Champion to look at reducing the carbon footprint of all stations, the SFRS now have 7 electric response cars and are looking to install electric vehicle charging points in all stations.


Action - Any climate activities that partners want highlighted on the CPP Climate Change webpage can be forwarded to cppadmin@argyll-bute.gov.uk


Stan gave thanks for the support given by the CPP team to the Climate Change group.



Child Poverty (Fiona Davies)


Fiona was delighted to update that the Child Poverty Working Group (CPWG) now has part time project assistant in place (started November 2021) and their work will concentrate on data and engagement. The wider anti-poverty strategy reaches its conclusion in 2022 are will need to be discussion in the upcoming months to decide what we want to do in Argyll and Bute to ensure how child poverty group sits in the wider need to work address poverty across all local communities.


Fiona provided an update on:

(i)            The Ƶapp flexible food fund - Set up a result of collaboration of key CPWG members had supported 871 households to end December 2021 (30% of these are single parents with children). The fund has demonstrated real individual benefit for those accessing it.

(ii)          Poverty awareness training - Training programme is rolling out and the feedback, and take up, has been excellent. There is hope to deliver refresher/follow up sessions in 2023. They have also been requested to roll the training out to Councillors after the May elections. Work is also ongoing to deliver a module on the development and scope of children’s rights in Scotland which will be available soon hopefully.

(iii)         Money matters training - Developed by Jen Dryden for Ƶapp was delivered over the winter/spring period (mainly attended by HSCP staff).

(iv)         Money Worries Leaflet - The leaflet has been widely circulated through existing group networks, media platforms, the food forum and a copy has been sent out in every council tax bill. This is especially timely given the current cost of living crisis.

(v)          School clothing - There has been a huge amount of activity on school clothing banks by Fergus Walker, with very positive work going on in Dunoon, Campbeltown and Lochgilphead and intention to have further engagement with the schools and parent councils before a launch in June. It is hoped to expand the banks to Kintyre and Mid-Argyll by the end of the summer and to Oban area by December. 1063 children have been issued with school clothing grants up to February 2022.


Ryan asked what is being done to reduce the cost of school uniforms i.e. his school blazer costs £50 new. Fiona stated that school clothing banks will allow access to uniform no longer required, but there is no work underway to tackle the cost of new uniforms but she would take that back to the CPWG. Lorna added that there is some funding available and if there is a need that can be made available on a case by case basis. Kevin added how Oban High School have a bank of clothing available that can be provided confidentially to support families.


Rona advised the current Money leaflet had been issued to groups and via the CPP Bulletin and asked if there was an updated version of the leaflet that could be circulated? Lorna said Bute Advice Centre are doing an updated leaflet that will be circulated once completed.


Action - cppadmin to circulate updated money worries leaflet when available.



Financial Inclusion (Fergus Walker)


Lorna noted that applications to the Welfare Fund continued to be high to 28 February 2022. There have been 1289 crisis grant applications and 812 applications for community care grants. There is projected to be an overspend of the available funds but to continue support to vulnerable households they are looking to take from other available funding to support that. The Council continues to administer the £500 self-solation support grants.


Further to Fiona’s update on the Flexible Food Fund, Lorna added that up to end January 2022 Bute Advice and AliEnergy have supported 927 households with a client gain on £1.15m and increasing (this is the amount of benefits and grants that households are entitled to but not claiming, and that the service have supported them to access). Lorna stated that disability benefits (DLA, PIP etc) and Universal Credit are the most under claimed benefits.


Lorna invited the MSYPs to contact her or Fergus Walker if they wanted to get involved with the work on school clothing or any other matters. Their contact emails are lorne.byrne@argyll-bute.gov.uk and fergus.walker@argyll-bute.gov.uk.



Community Wealth Building (Takki Sulaiman, Fergus Murray and Morag Goodfellow)


Takki gave a brief update and explained that the goal of CWB is to make local financial power work for localities, keep wealth generated locally in the area and to support local businesses and 3rd sector enterprises to be sustainable, in a fair and just manner. In December they set out the 5 next steps, and part of that ongoing journey includes the Ƶapp mapping that is still being produced of activity across Ƶapp. That needs to be analysed to support the development stage and then the proposals will be brought back to the CPP MC in the next quarter. Takki and Rona are discussing hoe the New Building Back Better worker post can help ion providing baseline data on CWB synergy with post-Covid recovery work.


Takki pointed to how the HSCP Strategic Planning Group and its partners have noted their commitment to CWB to co-produce workflow committees to increase the capacity of local groups to bid. They state “Community Co-Production - We will work with communities, providers and advocacy bodies to set a vision for their community and co-produce community based services to support people with options and choice. Where possible we will commission services locally and capacity build providers and third sector partners in line with the five pillars of Community Wealth Building. We will ensure that we have an inequalities sensitive practice, targeting resources where they have most impact.” Takki felt it was good to see this commitment to CWB and local delivery and to see other partners increasing mentions and connections to CWB.


Theresa advised that Ayrshire have just commissioned a new regional economic strategy that has the principles of CWN built in to that strategy. She is happy to share any information and work progresses on that. Takki welcomed that and noted a previous presentation to the CPP MC by Ayrshire Council. Takki said the challenge of CWB is how to make it relevant to Ƶapp and how it connects to existing strategies to add value and identify gaps. There lots of overlaps with CWB and existing work. Morag agreed and said that there are many elements on CWB that are already being done well in Ƶapp such as community ownership on Gigha.


Stan asked if the work on capacity building in communities covers the transition to a net zero economy, or is there a need to CWB to engage with the climate group project work. Takki said this had not been addressed yet as at they are still at a very early stage but that it could be promoted as one of the principles. Morag noted that the transition to net zero is a key part of the HIE strategy and they are already working through a “net zero ladder” with client groups and supporting access to funding for community assets to install energy savings measures.



Digital (Communities) (Nicola Hackett and Iain MacInnes)


Nicola advised that the first meeting of the group has taken place with representatives from LiveArgyll, Community Development team, Education Service, Health Improvement Team, HSCP, Argyll College, University of the Highlands and Islands and the 3rd sector - but this group can be expanded further as need arises.

A draft Terms of Reference has been developed and once approved that will be shared with the CPP MC. The main aspects being looked at are the accessibility to digital devices, support for learners in communities to utilise devices effectively and work around digital infrastructure. On accessibility, Nicola noted that major work will be happening in the coming months through access to Scottish Government funding to take forward community learning activity across Ƶapp. They are working with the TSI to identify areas of work with partners, and to identify key stakeholders to engage with, to undertake a scoping exercise around Community Learning and Development (CLD) to mapping resources, take forward an action plan and look for additional funding sources to take forward the action plan.


CLD are working in partnership on digital development with Skills Development Scotland, Department for Work and Pensions, LiveArgyll and Argyll Collage around employability and provision of CLD hubs in our main towns, and how we can develop hubs across islands were there is no current provision. There is already a hub in Lochgilphead. Once all partners have committed to provide support for this an advertising campaign will start in April on available digital development support to learners. They are also looking at how to tie in to existing volunteer framework to help people utilise devices effectively.


Nicola and Iain are also working on an awareness raising campaign on digital infrastructure for broadband access to reach those that need it the most. SpaceEx and OneWeb UK are also being looked at as potential solutions to providing internet access in rural areas although current costs for this are prohibitive. Iain asked if there are plans to provide internet access to rural village halls. Iain advised that village halls are not funded by the Council, and the cost to install lines to some properties without existing lines is extortionate. They are looking at the UK Gigahub programme (UK wide £1100m programme to develop digital hubs) to identify best way forward solutions.


Action - Nicola and Iain to provide an update on progress and funding streams for digital development to the June CPP MC.


Ryan noted an existing technology collection point is run in Dunoon to distribute refurbished tech to the elderly across Cowal. Stan was keen to see if that initiative could be rolled out across Ƶapp. Nicola said there had been work with Inspiralba to collect and reallocate used digital devices that can be looked at to see if that can be built upon to support access to digital devices. Rona noted that the digital workstream is an important area of focus for the CPP MC as keeping up with technology is vital to access benefits and the job market.


Building Back Better (Communities) - Building Back Better Officer Post (Rona Gold)


Building Back Better Worker - Rona advised that recruitment had completed for this post starting in April 2022 (2 days a week for 18 months) to build on the community engagement initiative started in 2020 to identify the impact of the pandemic on communities. The new post will look at creating guidance for community groups, build on community contacts and engage with and support communities and community groups.


Scam and Fraud Prevention Project - Laura noted how instances of fraud increased dramatically during the pandemic and the biggest increase is now in social engineering frauds, where fraudsters pretend to be someone else to get money (by telephone, social media etc). She also expected to see a rise in bogs caller doorstep fraud as we move into spring. Laura thanked the CPP MC for supporting funding to purchase 150 call blocking devices (129 of which have already been installed for vulnerable residents by the Police and Trading Standards). Laura has engaged with Alzheimers Scotland dementia workers to train them how to install the devices for those they already support and is talking to SFRS to see if devices could be installed as part of home fire safety checks. The devices are very simple to install and the total project benefit is calculated to be £1.5m - this is the amount includes value of potential frauds stopped, wellbeing affect and cost saving to involvement of social care/police for fraud victims - from an initial £15k investment. Laura welcomed any funding support that could be provided from partners to purchase more devices for installation.


Hard copy leaflets with fraud prevention advice have been provided to dementia advisors, and will be provided to SFRS, to distribute to vulnerable people. Laura has been visiting local hubs (Dunoon Seniors, Strachur Hub, HL ACPG and Jeans Bothy) to raise fraud awareness and prevention. These events are also being used to identify who may benefit from installation of a call blocking device.


Laura said she was keen to link up with Ryan regarding the Cowal Digital refurbishing project to see how they could work together to distribute fraud awareness leaflets with devices. Fergus added that it would also be good to get “cyber aware” stickers on the devices too.


Action - Any volunteers to assist with the installation of call blocking devices can contact Laura at Laura.Evans@scotland.pnn.police.uk


Action - Partners that are able to offer funding to support purchase of future call blocking devices to contact rona.gold@argyll-bute.gov.uk


Outcome 1


Ƶapp Employability Partnership update (Ishabel Bremner)


Ishabel last spoke to the September 2021 CPP MC where the action plan for the ABEP was endorsed. The Ƶapp Economic Growth team (Employability Service) act as the accountable body for the ABEP and they commissioned an external consultancy to review take that action plan and that is expected to conclude by end March 2022. In parallel to the work on action plan, there has been input to the Ƶapp Economic Delivery Plan. Ishabel has the draft report from the consultants and that initial delivery plan will be presented to the ABEP meeting on 23 March 22. The document covers the period 2022 - 2025 but they are unable to finalise that until they know the resources that will be allocated for 2022/23 from the Scottish Government. In order to advance the delivery plan, it will need to be endorsed and signalised beefier the next CPP MC meeting in 22 June 2022.


Ishabel made the recommendation that the CPP MC agree to delegate authority to endorse the ABEP Delivery Plan to Anthony Standing as, although he is the lead for Outcome 3, there is a predominant education and training element in the plan as well as matters covered under Outcome 1 (the economy is diverse and thriving). Anthony had given his agreement to take on the delegated authority prior to the meeting and it was also agreed that Kirsty Flanagan would act as the accountable body for the partnership to enable the plan to be endorsed before June 2022. This was approved by the CPP MC


Action - Ishabel to return to June CPP MC with a more detailed paper on the progress of the ABEP.


Ishabel outlined that the Delivery Plan includes aspects such as interventions from Scottish government (including Young Persons Guarantee, recruitment incentives, parental responsibilities and long term unemployed), the structure of the partnership, governance structure, how the partnership performs and setting up a strategic group to commission and procure work across Ƶapp.



Recruitment and Retention Update (Anthony Standing and Morag Goodfellow)


Morag advised that due to “creaking resources” within resources in HIE and SDS, the group had not met since December, however, they have found resource to look at mapping existing activities around recruitment and sharing best practice which they hope to report on more formally in to the June CPP MC. The Settlement Project Support Officer, Natalia Jejer, will start with the Council Economic Growth Team on 4th April 2022. This post is funded by HIE. Morag looked forward to her being in post and starting the engagement with those looking to move here to take up employment and find housing and to gather intelligence to build on activities we take forward in the future.



STPR2 Update (Fergus Murray)


Fergus provide an update on the STPR2 which will determine transport investment decisions in Scotland for the next 20 years. This follows the STPR1 where Fergus was the chair of the response for the Ƶapp region (a key commitment then was the upgrade of the A82 north of Tarbet which has still not happened and is only at the design stage).

Fergus expressed disappointment in the direction of travel of STPR2 given the importance of transport connectivity to the people of Ƶapp. He stressed that every effort had been made to empathise that in the consultation, but what came back is disappointing from rural perspective. 4000 ideas were input nationally to STPR2 but there are only 40 now left that are being voted on for priority. The Council had been given assurance from a Scottish Government Minister that strategic transport needs would be considered within STPR2, rather than in the Rural Growth Deal (RGD), yet £65M has had to be taken out the ask taken out of the RGD to improve the area transport network.


Specific targets of the STPR2 for Ƶapp include a fixed link to Mull from Oban. There was surprise to see this included and islanders have reacted to advise that is not what they want. A fixed link would impact the current ferry port investment in Oban and there are questions on how this will impact ferry connectivity. The Rest and Be Thankful has been acknowledged in the STPR2 as being strategic, but as the Council thought this was already being considered there is confusion why it has also been included in the STPR2, especially when there is no plans in STPR2 for other important trunk route upgrades (A82, A85 and A83). Fergus has asked for that to be redressed in the documentation going forward. A new Islands Connectivity Plan is to come from government, but that has also been excluded from STPR2 - this further highlights the urgency of having transport resources in place to action what rural communities want and need.


STPR2 has an emphasis on increasing active travel, which is welcome but the centralised funding and urban-centric approach till does not address challenges in rural areas such as rural bus needs, pressure on costs, route subsidies etc. There is no value in free bus travel, it there are no buses to get on. STPR2 focuses almost exclusively on national transport yet excludes local roads and council owned assets such as ferries and airports (although there has been a separate consultation on aviation strategy) and the Council are keen to identify what funding will be available for those.


STPR2 also fails to recognise:

(i)            How the rural economy provides a great deal to the national economy via tourism, capital value, whiskey, aquaculture etc. STPR focusses on population size rather than economic ,

(ii)          How Ƶapp connect to the central belt which could accelerate population drift to urban areas from rural communities,

(iii)         Adaptations for climate change impacts,

(iv)         Impacts of car reduction in rural communities when that is often the only option available,

(v)          How Local Authorities can delivery on the STPR 2 agenda without government support


All these points have been addressed in a response to the Scottish Government as it is important to raise issues that impact our rural communities as this is a 20 year plan.


Pippa further emphasised the points raised by Fergus and encouraged all partners to make their views clear by responding to the in the time that is still available before it closes on 15 April 2022.


Takki added how in the TSI response to the consultation on the National Care Service they highlighted the need to attract a workforce to the area, but if transportation is poor that will not happen. He also felt there had been no recognition in STPR2 of how work has changed due to Covid saying that we can’t adopt hybrid office/home working if we are in the dark ages for transport and communication links.


Iain asked if the council has asked local communities what they were looking for regarding future transport and if Fergus had been invited to view any updated Local Development plans? Fergus advised communities had been invited to respond to the consultation and any further relevant information could be sent to his team to review. Iain also asked about the Councils plans to install more EV charging points across the area. Fergus advised that a paper on the Councils EV Charging Strategy had been sent to the December Environment, Development and Infrastructure committee. Further information on this can be provided by Mark Calder at mark.calder@argyll-bute.gov.uk


Outcome 4 - Corporate Parenting Board pdf icon PDF 226 KB


David provided an updated on the Corporate Parenting Board in his report for the CPP MC and advised that Councillor Mary-Jean Devon was standing down as Chair. David recognised the service of Councillor Devon on the board and thanked her for her service and wished her all the best in the future.


David noted that a new Chair need to be identified, this does not need to be an elected member, and suggested that the task to find a new chair can be remitted to the Argyll and Bure Children’s Strategic Group. A new chair would need to be identified by May. Joe thought it would be prudent to allow members of the CPP MC time to consider if they have any volunteers but agreed that, as the role sits more likely within HSPC, the Children’s Strategic Group should look at that then report back to the CPP MC.


Pippa took the opportunity to thank the team working with care experienced young people who have been doing fantastic work during Covid to keep connected. She felt lucky to be part of the Corporate Parenting Board and has been impressed with what the new team members are doing to include the input of young people. The work is going from strength to strength.


David extended an open invitation to meet with the MSYPs so they can ask him any questions and he can learn from their input.


Papers for Noting pdf icon PDF 222 KB

Additional documents:


Rona highlighted the papers sent for noting on the National Community Planning Resources and the Our Place Website that may be of interest to partners. Partners can feel free to share those papers with colleagues and any other interested parties to access resources to understand Community Planning in Scotland and resources to put action plans together at all levels.




(a)  Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme

Rona was delighted to report that Dunoon had been selected and one of four case study areas for the programme. The case study will trial an approach over the next 3 years linking with Improvement Service in Scotland and Public Health Scotland. Funding for the programme will employ 2 posts to work on this with a steering group of partners. The work will start in 2 months once these posts are in place. Most of the reporting from the steering group will go to ACPGs locally and that will look at health inequalities, and how to reduce health inequalities, in Dunoon.


Action - If any partners have any information relating Shaping Places in Dunoon that can be shared with rona.gold@argyll-bute.gov.uk


Laura noted that she would like to be involved in that as she is Dunoon based and can also link in with the Policing side to help with health inequalities in terms of vulnerable adults and children.


(b)  Consultation on Proposed Education Leadership Reform

Morag noted that the assumptions that underline the proposed new model in the proposed Education Leadership reform are based on cost neutral proposal on a continuing decline in school rolls. Morag asked how that fitted with the ABOIP and its plans for population growth. Pippa advised there was a key point about cost being a key driver in the proposal, however, the much bigger issue was around the recruitment and retention of leadership roles rather than population decline. While it has been challenging to try and grow population over the last decade, and still not seeing that, balance needed to be found between what we want to achieve and what is actually happening.


(c)  Ukraine

Kevin asked what was being done from a strategic perspective on providing refuge for those fleeing Ukraine. Pippa advised that as a fast moving and emerging situation, there is still a lot of detail needed and the Council are liaising with the Scottish Government and COSLA on this. Morag Brown, who led on the response to house Syrian and Afghan refugees, is leading on this and is collating offers of accommodation. Morag is experienced in what we have done before to make the required links and the Council is aware that there is an ongoing interest on this and Morag has been updating information on the Council website for those who want to provide help. Pippa confirmed the Council is doing its best to take and support whoever we can as soon as that is a practical reality. Kevin thanked Pippa for her response.


(d)  Planning Applications for Battery Storage

Iain asked what the council views were on planning applications for battery storage facilities in Carradale. Fergus advised that the current application was currently on the system as a pre-pack assessment, but would be determined by the PPSL committee when it comes before them. There was a debate on the scale of the planned development and a decision needed to be made to determine if it comes under Council or Government for approval due to the new technology involved. A formal planning application has not yet been made so Fergus was unable to say what the Council opinion is until it has been looked at in its entirety and a decision has been reached by the committee. He added that energy efficiency is an item that the Council needs to be looking at and there will likely be applications in future months for pump storage, windfarms and battery storage. This is a significant issue for the people in Ƶapp to discuss and planning will be looking at all those things.


Date of Next Meeting

22 June 2022 at 1000


The next CPP MC will be at 1000 on Wednesday 22 June 2022. Joe thanked everyone for their time and input to an information packed morning. He gave special thanks to the MSYPS for their involvement at the meeting.