
Agenda and minutes

2nd Calling 20/0001/LRB, ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Local Review Body - Monday, 19 August 2024 2:00 pm

Venue: By Microsoft Teams

Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel: 01546 604392 

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.




There were no declarations of interest.




The Chair, Councillor Kieron Green, welcomed everyone to the meeting.Ìý He explained that no person present would be entitled to speak other than the Members of the Local Review Body (LRB) and Mr Jackson, who would provide procedural advice if required.


He referred to the previous meeting held on 8 May 2024 when it was agreed to request the Planning Officer to provide an assessment of this proposed development against the policies of LDP 2, NPF 4 and any other relevant policies.Ìý Before proceeding further he invited Mr Jackson to address the points raised by the Planning Officer in his submission.


Mr Jackson advised that the Planning Officer had carried out an initial assessment of the proposed development against the new national and local planning ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp framework that now exists.Ìý


While Planning Officers can identify no immediately apparent reasons why the proposed development might be likely to fundamentally conflict with the Development Plan, they have advised that there is a requirement for the submission and assessment of documents in order to properly address the relevant national and local planning policies that have been adopted since planning permission was originally refused in November 2019.Ìý


A comprehensive list of information which was required from the Applicant was detailed in the Agenda pack for today’s meeting.


Mr Jackson advised Members on that basis he would recommend that they should request this further information from the Applicant along with any further information the Applicant considers appropriate to submit which would support approval of this development in terms of LDP2, NPF4 and other relevant planning policies, and allow them an extension of the usual timeline of 14 days to provide the information.Ìý Mr Jackson also recommended an extension be given to the Planning Officer to assess the information against the policies of LDP2 and NPF 4 and other relevant planning policies, once this was provided.


Taking account of the advice provided by Mr Jackson the Chair asked Members if they would be content to progress this application on that basis.Ìý He also asked if there was any further information the Members would like from any parties at this point.


The Members of the LRB confirmed they were happy to support the recommendation by Mr Jackson and agreed there was no further information they would like to request.


The Members agreed that the Applicant be given one month submit the further information and that the Planning Officer be given one month to assess this further information.




The ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp LRB agreed:


1.    To request the Applicant to submit the following further information and agreed that the usual timeframe of 14 days for submission of the information be extended to 1 month (ie 20 September 2024):


  • Submission of the Sustainability Checklist and commentary addressing LDP2 Policies 04, 05 and 08
  • Submission of the Sustainable Buildings Checklist and commentary addressing LDP2 Policy 09
  • A statement addressing the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp requirements of NPF4 Policy 14, the ‘Six Qualities of Successful Places’.
  • A statement addressing the requirements of NPF4 Policy 15
  • A statement addressing the requirements of NPF4 Policy 17 b) and, if applicable, 17 c)
  • A ‘light’ LVIA in accordance with Light LVIA part 1 Light LVIA part 2 Light LVIA part 3
  • any further information the Applicant considers appropriate to submit which would support approval of this development in terms of LDP2, NPF4 and other relevant planning policies.


2.    To request the Planning Officer to assess the further information provided by the Applicant against the policies of LDP 2, NPF 4 and other relevant planning policies and be given one month from the Applicant’s deadline date for submission of the information (ie 21 October 2020); and


3.    Noted that all interested parties would have a period of 14 days to comment on the further information requested from the Applicant and Planning Officer (ie 6 November 2024).


(Reference: Further Information from Planning Officer, submitted)