
Agenda and minutes

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Windfarm and Renewables Trust - Tuesday, 3 October 2017 7:30 pm

Venue: Templars Hall, Tarbert

Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Area Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338 

No. Item


Election of Chair pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Report by Executive Director of Customer Services


The group gave consideration to a report inviting members to appoint a Chair of the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Windfarm and Renewables Trust.




The group agreed to appoint Councillor Anne Horn to carry out the role of Chair of the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Windfarm and Renewables Trust.



(Ref:Ìý Report by Executive Director of Customer Services, dated 3 October 2017, submitted.)




The Chair formally welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made.Ìý


Apologies were intimated on behalf of:-Ìý


Siobhan McLaughlin, Scottish Power

Lindsay Dougan, SSE

Lynda Mitchell, ALIEnergy

Councillor Sandy Taylor

Audrey Martin, ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council



Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest intimated.Ìý


Minutes pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Minute of the previous meeting of ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Windfarm and Renewables Trust AGM held on 7 September 2016.


The Minute of the previous meeting held on 7 September 2016 was approved as a true record.




East Kintyre Windfarm Trustees pdf icon PDF 94 KB


The group gave consideration to a verbal update and the receipts and payments account detail of East Kintyre Windfarm Trust to the year ending 31 March 2017.




ÌýThe group agreed to note the detail provided.Ìý



(Ref:Ìý Receipts & Payment Account by East Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust, submitted.)


West Kintyre Windfarm Trustees pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The group gave consideration to a written report updating them on the financial status of West Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust and applications submitted to the year ending 31 March 2017.




The group agreed to note the contents of the report, and to invite ALIenergy to explore innovative options to promote the Freisdaill discount scheme to homeowners.Ìý ÌýÌý



(Ref:Ìý Report by West Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust, submitted.)


Inveraray Windfarm Trustees


There was no update from Inveraray Windfarm Trustees.




The group agreed that the Senior Area Committee Assistant would write to Inveraray Windfarm Trustees requesting an update Statement of Accounts and circulate to Trustees for information.Ìý



Verbal Update by Katie Evamy, Project Officer, ALIEnergy


The group gave consideration to a verbal update by the Project Manager of ALIenergy who provided a brief summary of a wide range of activities carried out within the last financial year, together with activities planned for the next financial year.Ìý


The Chair thanked Ms Evamy for the information provided.Ìý




The group agreed to note the contents of the verbal update, and that Ms Evamy would arrange to provide leaflets to East Kintyre Community Council.Ìý Ìý


Scottish Community Fund Update pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report by Executive Director of Customer Services


The group gave consideration to a report providing an update in respect of information previously submitted by the Scottish Community Fund and considered whether there was a need for community profiling at this time.Ìý




The group agreed:-


1.    to note the position in respect of the information previously submitted by the Scottish Community Fund; and

2.    agreed that there was no need at this time for community profiling information to be provided.Ìý



(Ref:Ìý Report by Executive Director of Customer Services, dated 3 October 2017, submitted.)


Any Other Business


The Chair thanked the Trustees and other officers for their input and attendance at the meeting.Ìý