
Agenda and minutes

Campbeltown Ferry Committee - Friday, 26 June 2015 1:00 pm

Venue: Room 2, Kintyre Community Education Centre, Stewart Road, Campbeltown, PA28 6AT

Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Area Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies



The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.Ìý


Apologies were intimated from:-


Claire Simmers, Highlands and the Islands Enterprise

Simon Richmond, CalMac


Minute of Previous Meeting - 27 April 2015 pdf icon PDF 60 KB



The Minute of the Campbeltown Ferry Sub-group meeting held on 27 April 2015 was approved as a true record.


Matters Arising


Councillor Armour noted his disappointment at the lack of attendance at the last meeting where there was no one present from CalMac or Transport Scotland.Ìý The Area Governance Officer suggested that there might be difficulties with °ä²¹±ô²Ñ²¹³¦â€™s participation on the Group due to the ferry services tender being out at present.


Councillor Armour advised he emailed Simon Richmond from CalMac stating that the he had noticed the scheduled sailing to Campbeltown from Ardrossan for Friday 27th and Saturday 26th June had been cancelled because of strike action but that he failed to understand why the Thursday 24th June sailing has also been cancelled.Ìý He advised he asked CalMac for an explanation to why these sailings had been cancelled.Ìý John confirmed that he had received a response advising him that there is an overtime ban on the Wednesday and Thursday night in addition to the strike action planned for the Friday and as a result they had to adjust the number of sailings.


The Group agreed to write to CalMac again for their non-attendance at today’s meeting as Councillor Armour had assurance that someone would be in attendance.


Appointment of Vice Chair



Members of the Group were asked to nominate and agree a Vice Chair for the group.Ìý




It was agreed not to nominate a Vice Chair to the group and that if Councillor Horn was ever unavailable to attend the meeting, a Chair could be appointed on the day of the meeting.


Letter issued to Transport Scotland in respect of Campbeltown - Ardrossan Service pdf icon PDF 71 KB

For information



Members of the group considered the letter, which had been issued to Cheryl Murrie, Ferries Policy Officer, Transport Scotland and copied to the Chief Executive of Transport Scotland.




The Group agreed that the Area Governance Officer write a further letter referring to the previous letter and ask for a response as a matter of urgency and to seek assurance that the ferry will be continued on a permanent basis, with a dedicated vessel.


Future Meeting Dates



In view of the fact that the Transport Minister had intimated he could not attend this meeting, the Group agreed to invite the Transport Minister to identify some dates which may be suitable for the meeting.Ìý Prior to that, a further meeting of the Campbeltown Ferry Sub Group would be convened to prepare for the meeting with the Minister.