
Event Management Plan

In summary, this guide has been produced in order to help you effectively plan and manage your event. The following documents are designed to ensure effective communication and co-ordination between the organiser, the Council and the emergency services.

Your Event Management Plan should consist of the following: -

  1. Management arrangements for the event
  2. Gridded Site Plan/Temporary Structure Plans/Fixed Structure Plans 
  3. Risk Assessment, site arrangements and organisation schedules
  4. Emergency and Contingency Arrangements 
  5. Any other relevant documents/information, e.g. ADIPS, Statement of Intent, etc. 

Include details of the arrangements for dealing with the areas of special risk and identify those responsible and their qualification(s). 

Other arrangements that will need consideration will include arrangements for site clearance of refuse and litter following the event and how it will be handled during the event.  If event security personnel are to be employed, who will these be and are they registered. 

The Council representatives may request any additional information as deemed appropriate. 

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