
How to contact us

How to contact us

Contact us by text

You can send text enquiries or requests for service to us on 07860 064682.

  • Text messages can only be 160 characters long, so try and keep your request short to avoid paying for multiple texts
  • Texts are charged at your network’s standard rate.
  • If we can text you an answer to your question, we will.  However if the answer is complex we will call you back on the phone that was used to send the text and explain the answer in more detail or leave you a voice message.
  • Text enquiries will be dealt with between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, text enquiries sent outside these hours will be dealt with as soon as possible the next day.
  • Text enquiries are useful for reporting or requesting less complex things such as potholes, opening times etc. More complex enquiries can be sent using our Contact Us form or by calling our customer service centre (numbers below)
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