
Youth Justice

Early and effective intervention (EEI).

Early and effective intervention (EEI)

This is a process that seeks to divert children and young people away from offending.

EEI provides options to deal with and support children and young people who commit minor offences. (More serious offending can still be dealt with the children's hearing system or the procurator fiscal).  The interventions are timely and proportionate whilst ensuring communities see unacceptable behaviour is being challenged.

Often children and young people who offend are also vulnerable, and the earlier they receive suitable interventions in their lives that address their needs, the more likely they are to be diverted from an escalation in their level of offending.

What is the process of being referred  to the EEI?

When the police consider the offending behaviour by a child or young person (aged 8 - 17 years) has reached a point where a police Formal Warning is not sufficient, i.e. due to wider concerns, then a referral is made to the EEI Co-ordinator.

What happens when a referral has been made to the EEI Co-ordinator?

The EEI Co-ordinator liaises with agencies such as the police, social work, education, housing and community learning and development.

In doing so the EEI Co-ordinator will have an understanding of the holistic needs of the child or young person, and therefore will have the ability to determine which interventions will be most appropriate to address offending behaviour.

What intervention options are available to the EEI Co-ordinator?

  • No further action - child/young person currently working with social work
  • To issue a warning letter
  • Refer to agencies to support/address individual needs
  • For the child or young person to receive a police restorative warning
  • Refer to a multi agency EEI group meeting

What happens when the EEI Co-ordinator has reached a decision?

The child or young person and their parents or guardians will be issued with a letter informing of the decision.

What is a Warning Letter?

A warning letter is issued when it is decided that no further action is required at this time.  The child or young person will be made aware that further incidents may lead to further action being taken.

What is a Police Restorative Justice Warning?

A police restorative justice warning can be carried out when:

  • The child or young person admits the offence
  • There is no information about their wider needs suggesting another intervention would be more appropriate.

A police restorative justice warning is delivered by a specially trained police officer, who will encourage the child or young person to take responsibility for their actions, focus on changing their behaviour whilst talking into account of the impact on the victim and community.

If a child/young person does not attend the police will inform the EEI Co-ordinator.

What does "refer to agencies" mean?

If the co-ordinator considers the child/young person would benefit from addressing their wider needs.  For example drugs, alcohol, offending behaviour, victim empathy, social isolation etc, the co-ordinator can refer the young person to attend services such as SACRO, Fire-Safe, throughcare teams, locality social work teams etc.).

If the child or young person fails to attend, the EEI Co-ordinator will be notified.

What does "refer to multi agency meeting" mean?

If there are wider concerns other than the offending behaviour the EEI can request a multi agency meeting.  People who attend are the police, social work, education, and health.

The meeting will identify supports which may be of benefit to the young person.

The child or young person does not attend the meeting.  The child or young person and their parents or guardians will be notified of the outcome of the meeting in writing.

Contact us

If you would like to find out more or get in touch with our team please contact us at the following address 


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