


Council completes Rothesay restoration project

After 13 years of successful heritage-led regeneration, ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council has completed its project to restore and preserve key parts of Rothesay’s historic built environment.

20 March 2024
funding 1

Council to consider council tax freeze

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council is to consider freezing council tax at a special meeting next month, following a series of discussions with the Scottish Government over the last few weeks.

19 March 2024

Campbell Bequest/McNeil Bequest

People living in the Parish of Kildalton and Oa, Islay, might be eligible for funding from the Campbell Bequest/McNeil Bequest.

18 March 2024
Image shows a young girl sat at a desk with her teacher helping

New Learning Centres for South Kintyre and Islay

Two new Learning Centres for children and young people with complex Additional Support Needs (ASN) living in some of ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp’s most remote areas will open towards the end of 2024.

11 March 2024
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