


Council agrees revised plan to get parents involved in education

“It’s vital that parents take an active interest in their child’s education. Evidence shows that pupils behave better, achieve more and have better attendance when their parents are involved in their schooling. This is something we feel very strongly about in Ƶapp, and we are committed to developing it”.  

14 June 2018

Dunoon teams make national final second year in a row

Two teams of pupils from Dunoon Grammar School are calling for help from members of the public after making it through to this year’s Apps for Good UK final for the second year running.   The youngsters beat of stiff competition from over 25,000 young people, from 1,250 establishments, to be shortlisted for the people’s choice award after creating two unique mobile apps. However, in order to win, they need members of the public to vote for them.  

12 June 2018
picture of an old book

People urged to help preserve tales of yesteryear

People across Ƶapp are being encouraged to take part in a unique project that will help to preserve tales and fables about the area for future generations. Ƶapp Youth Services is calling on people of all ages to help gather stories, film clips, photographs and objects about the area to celebrate the uniqueness of Ƶapp.

11 June 2018

Business group aims to help Ƶapp prosper

A new working group will be set up in Ƶapp to engage closely with the business community in a drive to secure the long-term prosperity of the region. Councillors on the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee today (Thursday, June 7) agreed a proposal to create the Ƶapp Business Group, which will focus on partnership working and building the economy.

7 June 2018

Top transport priorities agreed by councillors

Councillors have agreed Ƶapp Council’s top transport priorities aimed at promoting economic growth and social inclusion. The local priorities will be fed back to the Scottish Government to help inform their latest National Transport Strategy, NTS2. The Council has identified a number of transport priorities, matching many of those highlighted by residents of Ƶapp.

7 June 2018

Applications now open for free school meals and clothing grants

Applications for free school meals and clothing grants for the 2018/19 school session are now being accepted by Ƶapp Council.   Pupils from primary one through to S6, are eligible for free meals and grants provided their parents or carers are in receipt of any of the following:   Income Support  Income Based Jobseekers Allowance  Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

7 June 2018

Report gives updates on large scale transformation projects

A report detailing the progress of a number of large scale projects across Ƶapp has been presented to Councillors. The Council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee was this week (June 7) updated on major projects in Campbeltown, Helensburgh, Rothesay, Inveraray, Tarbert and Dunoon.

7 June 2018

Buidheann gnothachais ùir a chuireas ri eaconamaidh na sgìre

Thèid buidheann-obrach ùr a stèidheachadh ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd airson a bhith ag obair gu dlùth còmhla ri luchd-gnothaich na sgìre leis an amas eaconamaidh làidir a thogail thar ùine fhada. Dh’aontaich Comhairlichean air Comataidh na h-Eaconamaidh, Leasachaidh is Bun-structair an-diugh (Diardaoin, 7 Ògmhios) ri moladh gus Buidheann Gnothachais Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid a chur air bhonn, buidheann a bhios a’ brosnachadh obair chom-pàirteach is fàs san eaconamaidh.

7 June 2018

Hollywood blockbuster filmed in Ƶapp

Hollywood blockbuster Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom will premier at cinemas across the UK today (Wednesday) but did you know that part of the movie was filmed in Ƶapp?   Eagle-eyed fans of the movie will spot Glen Mallan Jetty at Loch Long, near Arrochar, when they go to see the film at the cinema over the coming weeks.  

6 June 2018
Rural growth deal

Back Ƶapp - respond to rural growth deal consultation

If you care about the future of Ƶapp, please take just a couple of minutes to help bring millions of pounds of investment to the area by answering this short consultation. Ƶapp Council, along with public, private and voluntary sector partners, is putting together a bid designed to attract UK and Scottish Government investment, through a rural growth deal.

4 June 2018
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