
Mull Campus Project

Welcome to the Mull Campus Project web page, where we will provide an overview of the project, along with all relevant information and updates for you, with an aim to keep you informed and up to date on our progress .

This page will be updated at each significant stage of the project, and we welcome any feedback or comments at our dedicated project e-mail address:-

Public drop-in events

We’re inviting the public to attend a series of drop-in events to find out what things are important to them when considering potential sites for a new campus on Mull and to give their ideas about possible locations.

The community engagement sessions will take place at a range of locations on Mull and Iona between the 17 and 25 September 2024 as follows:

Date Times Location
Tuesday 17 September 2pm - 7pm Craignure Hall
Wednesday 18 September 10am - 2pm Tobermory Scout Hall
4pm - 7pm Tobermory High School
Thursday 19 September 10am - 2pm Salen Church Hall
3.30pm - 6pm Salen Primary School
Monday 23 September 1pm - 3pm Ulva Primary School
Tuesday 24 September 2pm - 3.30pm Dervaig Village Hall
5pm - 7pm Lochdonhead Primary School
Wednesday 25 September 12.15pm - 2.15pm Iona Village Hall
4pm - 6pm Bunessan Community Hall

Mull Campus - Call for sites

Ƶapp Council are seeking suggestions from the community on sites that may be suitable for the new Mull 2-18 Education Campus. 

Members of the community are invited to come forward with suggestions of possible sites, which should be at least 2.3 hectares (roughly the size of the existing Tobermory High School site).

As much detail as possible including the site location, size and ownership (where known) should be emailed to mull.campus@argyll-bute.gov.uk no later than Friday 13th September 2024.

Mull Campus Project Information

Mull Campus Project Information

Mull Campus - Project Summary

  • The funding is for a like for like 2-18 campus which is a combined early learning centre, primary and secondary school. The funding was awarded because the existing Tobermory  campus continues to deteriorate and requires investment
  • Regardless of the location selected, when the new 2-18 campus opens, the existing Tobermory school buildings will no longer be used to provide education
  • If the location chosen is outwith Tobermory this is likely to trigger a review of school catchment areas across the islands
  • There is no intention or plan to close any of the other primary schools across the islands
  • None of the above will impact on a parent’s entitlement to make a placing request to a school of their choice

What is the Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP)?

The Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) is the Scottish Government’s flagship programme for investment in education and is now into Phase 3.  It is the successor to the ‘Schools for the Future’ programme which saw our Council deliver a number of new builds and substantial refurbishments across our education estate. 

The Council has a strong track record of building modern schools with the successful delivery of Campbeltown Grammar, Kirn Primary, Dunoon Primary, Oban High, Hermitage Academy, Rothesay Joint Campus, Lochgilphead Joint Campus, Dunoon Grammar and Oban Primary Campus).

When was it agreed?

On 30th October 2023, the Scottish Government (SG) confirmed that the Council has been successful in its bid for Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) funding to deliver a new Campus on Mull. 

Overview of the Mull Campus Project

Even with regional collaboration, the delivery of a new campus on Mull will be one of the most significant projects in terms of cost and complexity the Council has delivered for many years.  The funding offered by the SG is not a grant nor is it for the full cost of the building – it will cover up to 50% of eligible costs and SG will then offer financing for this sum over 25 years on the basis that certain criteria are met.  These criteria include ‘condition of the building’ (to be maintained as Grade A or B for lifetime), ‘energy efficiency’, ‘digitally enabled’ and ‘supportive of economic development’. Recently added criteria also apply to things like embodied carbon, electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, outdoor learning and infection control. 

Costs for elements such as purchase of land, residential / hostel accommodation, operational or running / revenue costs and design development fees are excluded from the LEIP funding that is provided, so Council would need to meet these in full. Building modern schools to high digital and environmental standards comes at a cost premium as does delivering a project on an island due to logistical challenges of getting labour and materials to site. 

As well as the direct educational benefits a modern new campus will provide for learners this investment has potential to act as an economic catalyst and hugely improve community infrastructure on the island.  In line with other modern schools in our area they can deliver wider benefits outside the school day including further education, leisure, clubs, cultural events, gyms, bookable rooms and high quality business space

Mull Campus summary process

The project brief, concept design and outline business case activities will take place during 2025, aiming for Outline Business Case approval by the end of 2025. That is the next decision gateway point where the Council will review the updated case and confirm whether they are content to move to Full Business Case development.

The Full Business Case, including more detailed proposals for the campus and costs will be considered again by councillors in late 2026 and approval would allow the campus to move to construction phase. These timescales are estimates at this early stage and will be reviewed as the project moves forward, with the community being kept updated of any significant changes.

Mull Campus Project process diagram

Background and pre-engagement feedback

In 2022, a series of pre-engagement events were held in the local community prior to submitting the bid to the Scottish Government for LEIP funding for a new Mull Campus.

You can see the feedback from the engagement events here - Mull Campus - pre-engagement

You can also see a copy of the submission to the Scottish Government for LEIP funding. This bid was successful, with Ƶapp Council confirmed as one of only 10 successful projects across Scotland to share in the £450m to £500million pounds of funding available - find about more about our successful bid in our press release - A new campus on Mull a step closer (30th October 2023)


Frequently asked questions


Q. If a new campus and School is being looked at could the location and access for full size coaches be a factor. 

A. The location will form part of the Detailed Options Appraisal. Once a site has been selected, the design will require to look at appropriate pick up and drop off locations. 

Q. Will there be a bus to pick you up? 

A. School Transport will be made available in line with the Council’s Pupil Transport Policy 

Q. Will the roads be improved to aid the children transport to a new campus? 

A. This does not fall within the boundaries of the LEIP funding application and therefore any road infrastructure beyond the site boundary will not be looked at as part of this project. 


Q. What will happen to the school estate? Please don't sell off the primary schools 

Q. My concern is that if it's a 2-18 year campus, the council will close all the small village primary schools and very young kids in outlying areas will be forced to travel for two hours a day. 

A. There is currently no intention to amalgamate or close schools, unless as part of the Consultation process the islands communities indicate that there is a clear desire to look at this. 

Q. Could the Council collaborate with BE-ST () to consider sustainable and innovative solutions to the challenges of island building and climate conditions? This is an opportunity to aim for the highest standards, and not just build to cost 

A. It is a criteria of LEIP funding that the building meets stringent environmental standards. The Mull Campus project is part of a number of schools across Scotland that will require consultant experts to advise on all aspects of the build.

Q. Why do we need a new school? 

A. The Learning Estate Strategy agreed by elected members at Council in August 2021 looked at all the schools in Ƶapp and a suitability survey was carried out on each school. Both suitability and condition surveys are criteria led and include aspects such as accessibility, purpose built spaces and social spaces. The Strategy set out an ambition for all schools to be category A or B (good/ satisfactory). The overall Suitability band for Tobermory High School was category C (poor). As this is the only secondary school within Ƶapp with a category C for Suitability, and the primary school across the whole school estate with the lowest suitability scoring, it was considered to be a priority. 

Q. When would the building be built? 

A. It is anticipated that construction would start in 2027 with the school opening in late 2028. These timescales are estimates and will be reviewed and updated as the project progresses.

Q. Will it be a primary and secondary school? 

Q. Might a junior secondary help with very young children having to leave home at 11 years? 

A. The application for LEIP funding has been made for a 2-18 campus on Mull. 


Q. If a campus was built nearer Tobermory, would there be accommodation for children? 

A. Hostel accommodation does not qualify for LEIP funding. If there was a clear desire from the Islands to deliver this, there would need to be alternative funding to support it. 

Q. Will our children still have the option to attend Oban High School and will the hostel be funded for us still? 

A. There will still be an option to attend Oban High School.


Q. Where will the new school be? 

 A. The location of the school will be determined by a detailed Options Appraisal on sites across Mull to determine the best location for the Campus. This is due to commence in the autumn of 2024.

Q. Could we have two high schools instead of one big new one, one school in the north and one in the south of the island?

 A. There will be a lot of competition for funding. The Funding application can only be for one new campus on Mull. 

Nursery / Pre 5 

Q. After Salen ELC being recently refurbed, will that building then continue to provide ELC provision? 

Q. Will all the primary and nursery schools be closed and all the children on the island have to travel to the new school? 

A. The capacity provided by our ELCs will still be required. There is no intention to change ELC settings. 


Q. What will the new school be like and what indoor and outdoor facilities will it include?

A. The exact requirements of the new school will be determined through engagement during the design brief and design development stages of the project. 


Q. Will there be any new teachers? 

A. School staffing is determined by pupil numbers and schools have delegated responsibility for recruitment. If the roll of the school rises this could lead to new teaching staff 


Q. Why weren't bids put in a (LEIP) phase 1 or 2? 

A. The Council was not in a position to make a commitment to the LEIP funding process until now 

Q. What will you do to ensure that the children of Mull are heard, and that their rights are respected? 

A. The Council is clear as to the statutory duties placed on it in terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. That legislation identifies a number of “relevant stakeholders” who the Council must directly engage with as part of any consultation exercise should the bid be successful and should a “relevant proposal” (in terms of the Act) be formulated. In addition, given the potential impacts on some of our island communities, the Council will also consider whether it is necessary to conduct an Islands Communities Impact Assessment (in terms of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018) alongside the 2010 Act consultation, at the relevant point in the overall process. The Education Service will supported by colleagues from the Northern Alliance and Education Scotland in terms of the processes to be followed and fulfilling the Council’s numerous statutory duties.

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