


Council’s budget gap expected to increase

The Scottish Government funding allocation for local government could increase Ƶapp Council’s funding gap for 2019/20 to around £9million. This was the update provided to today’s Policy and Resources Committee, following the Scottish Government budget announcement yesterday.

13 December 2018

Council commitment to help stop the stigma of mental illness

“The mental health and wellbeing of our school communities is a priority. We need to help stop the stigma often associated with mental health disorders and ensure that our young people and staff have access to the support they need.”  

11 December 2018

Pupils settle in to new Early Learning and Childcare Centre

Children at Kilcreggan Primary’s Early Learning and Childcare Centre (ELCC) are settling in well to their new surroundings, after moving into a custom-made learning environment within the main school building.   The ELCC was previously located in an annexe beside the school, however, refurbishments carried out across the school during the summer holidays meant the children were able to move into the main building, become an integral part of the school community.  

6 December 2018

Gearing up for winter

As the cold weather starts to bite, the council has approved its Winter Service Ƶapp for 2018/19 which sets out priorities to keep Ƶapp moving until Spring. The Ƶapp prioritises routes that will be treated ahead of winter hazards.

6 December 2018

Overall improvement in road condition

Ongoing investment in Ƶapp’s roads is halting deterioration and beginning to improve the overall network condition. Ƶapp is now one of the top five fastest improving Scottish Local Authorities in terms of road condition. The Annual Status and Options Report (ASOR) summarises the council’s road assets as at April 2018 and sets out future options that can be considered in terms of investment.

6 December 2018

Applications open for 2019/20 Supporting Communities Fund

The latest round of funding for the council’s Supporting Communities Fund is now open and community groups are being encouraged to submit applications for their projects. Groups can apply for up to 100% of the total funding costs for their project or activity from Ƶapp Council’s Supporting Communities Fund 2019/20. The maximum award available is £2500. The deadline for submission of completed applications is Wednesday, February 6, 2019. 

5 December 2018

‘The children really touch a place in your heart’

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been running an appeal to encourage more people to find out about fostering opportunities in Ƶapp. Bruce and Sheila Johnston from Mid Argyll are a wonderful example of the rewards fostering can bring. The couple started fostering in 2012 before going on to adopt the little girl in their care just four years later.

4 December 2018

Council staff collecting for food banks again this year

While Christmas is a very happy time for many people, for others it can be difficult. Following on from the success of last year’s food bank collections, Council employees will be giving donations for food banks across Ƶapp again this year. Staff will be joined by pupils in a number of our schools who are coming up with their own ideas on how to generate income to purchase items for donating, helping them to learn the value of money at the same time.

3 December 2018

Council’s effective financial management recognised by Audit Scotland

Financial management within Ƶapp Council is effective with a budget process focussed on the council’s priorities. That was one of the findings of the 2017/18 Annual Audit Report undertaken by Audit Scotland which went before the full council on Thursday 29 November.  The report further noted that: The council has appropriate governance and accountability arrangements in place that support the scrutiny of its decisions;

29 November 2018

Sgrùdadh na h-Alba a’ toirt aithne do dheagh stiùireadh ionmhasail na Comhairle

Tha stiùireadhionmhasail èifeachdach ga chur an sàs taobh a-staigh Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid le pròiseas nam buidseatan a’ cur cuideam air prìomh amasan na Comhairle. ’S e sin aon de na toraidhean a chithear san Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Bhliadhnail airson 2017/18 a rinn Sgrùdadh na h-Alba agus a chaidh a chur air beulaibh na làn Chomhairle air Diardaoin 29 Samhain. Cuideachd san aithisg thugadh iomradh air na leanas:

29 November 2018
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