


Council updates its housing plan

More than 800 affordable new homes are in the pipeline for construction over the next three years as part of the council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). These homes are in addition to the 91 expected to be completed in 2018/19 and 75 completed in 2017/18. The updated SHIP proposals will be presented to the Scottish Government, outlining the council’s strategic investment in affordable homes over a five-year period up to 2023/24.

29 November 2018

A’ Chomhairle ag ùrachadh a’ phlana thaigheadais aca

  Thathar an dùil còrr is 800 dachaigh ùr, a bhios ri fhaotainn aig prìs reusanta, a thogail san ath thrì bliadhna mar phàirt den Phlana Ionmhais Ro-innleachdail airson Taigheadais (PIRT) aig a’ Chomhairle.   Bidh na dachaighean seo a bharrachd air na 91 a thathar an dùil a thogail ann an 2018/19 agus na 75 a chaidh a thogail ann an 2017/18.  

29 November 2018

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp remembers

A booklet is to be published by ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council which captures the wide range of events that were held in the area to commemorate the centenary of World War One, and acknowledges the commitment and dedication shown by local communities to mark the anniversary.

29 November 2018

Muinntir Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid a’ cuimhneachadh

Tha Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid a’ dol a dh’fhoillseachadh leabhran le fiosrachadh air taghadh farsaing de na tachartasan a chaidh a chumail san sgìre gus comharrachadh mar a bha ceud bliadhna annbhon Chogadh Mhòr, agus tha e cuideachd a’ toirt aithne don dealas is dìcheall a nochd coimhearsnachdan ionadail ann a bhith a’ comharrachadh ceann-bliadhna a’ chogaidh.  

29 November 2018

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp empty homes officer scoops prestigious award

An ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council worker has scooped a prestigious award for her work to combat the problem of empty homes. Empty Homes Officer Kelly Ferns has been named Outstanding Individual at the Howdens Scottish Empty Homes Champions of the Year Awards for her commitment and dedication to empty homes work. Her collaborative approach and passion as well as consistent results were recognised by the panel.

28 November 2018

Democracy Matters: Regional Deliberation Events come to Oban

Join us in Oban for the latest in our programme of events across the country. Since May this year the organisations behind the Local Governance Review have been encouraging community groups to hold Democracy Matters conversations across the country. The ideas generated through these conversations are being gathered and will ensure that the outcomes of the review focus on what local people have identified.

26 November 2018
A photo of a school child in class

Education service makes positive and continued progress

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵapp Council’s education service has made significant improvements over the last 12 months, and staff are working hard to continue to raise attainment in schools. These were the findings of HM Inspectors of Education (HMIE) in a report published today (Monday), following their visit to the local authority last month, which confirmed that they will make no more visits to the Council in connection with the inspection of the Council as Education Authority in September 2016.

26 November 2018

Development opportunity in Campbeltown

A fantastic development opportunity is available in Campbeltown at the former council offices at Witchburn Road. This beautiful building, close to the town centre, enjoys a views towards Ben Gullion. It requires some renovation but has the potential for a characterful renovation to either residential or commercial use, subject to permissions. The building offers over 187 m2 of space across two floors of this handsome stone building.

22 November 2018

Leading the way at Rosneath

Rosneath Primary School is setting a leading example when it comes to creating links with the local community.   Head teacher Emma McDiarmid and Gregor Morrison, who is currently Acting Head at the school, have been working hard to build a strong community spirit, and engage parents and carers in their children’s learning.  

21 November 2018

Giving a child a helping hand

At the start of our fostering campaign we heard from one of our foster families about what life is like looking after a child in care. This week we’re finding out what it’s like working on the other side - the ones who support foster carers and young people.  

16 November 2018
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